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[Resources, ideas, Tips] Beware of Purchased e-Mail Lists, Stop Making Excuses..
12/25/2015 8:00:49 PM
[Resources, ideas, Tips] Beware of Purchased e-Mail Lists, Stop Making Excuses...

Resources, ideas, and tips for improving response to business-to-business, high-tech, Internet, and direct marketing.

***Beware of purchased e-mail lists***

If you get an offer in your e-mail to purchase an e-mail marketing list for your next campaign, run, don't walk.

It is rarely a good idea to send e-mail marketing messages to purchased lists. You should only e-mail to legitimate opt-in e-lists, meaning the people on the list have subscribed and
agreed to receive e-mail messages. And virtually 100% of the time, opt-in e-lists are offered to marketers for rental only, not purchase.

What's the worst that could happen if you purchase an e-list?

When you send a campaign to e-mail addresses that either don't exist, or when a large percentage of recipients report your e-mail as spam -- because they have not opted in to get it -- you could lose access to your domain and your ISP could close your account.

Bottom line: stick to lists that were generated using proper permission-based sign-ups and rented from a real list broker.

You can find list brokers under the Mailing List category on my site's vendor page:

Source: "20 Obvious and Not So Obvious E-Mail Marketing Mistakes to Avoid," Pinpoint.


***Stop making excuses***

One of my favorite quotations is from Ben Franklin, who said:

"People who are good at making excuses are seldom good at anything else."

Now business strategist Dan Waldschmidt offers these 6 tricks to help you stop making excuses and forge a path to your goals:

1--Avoid the need to blame others for anything. Mean, small-minded people know that they suck. That's why they are so cranky and eager to point out others' mistakes.

2--Stop working on things that just don't matter. Replace trivial pursuits with activity toward your goal.

3--Refuse to wallow in self-doubt. You're alive to succeed. Stop comparing your current problems to your last 18 failures. They are not the same.

4--Ask yourself, "What can I do better next time?" And then do it next time.

5--Proactively take time to do things that fuel your passion.

6--Apologize to yourself and those around you for having a bad attitude. When you start genuinely apologizing for being a bad influence on those around you, you learn to stop whining and start winning.


This post appears courtesy of Bob Bly's Direct Response Letter. Bob Bly is the author of 70+ books and the man McGraw-Hill calls America's top copywriter.

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