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Charles Aladesiun

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Get A Website Designed For Your Business & Get It Advertised Online & Offline
10/31/2015 5:34:02 AM
We are offering Website Designing and Programs / Businesses Promotion Service.

That is, we can help you set up a website which will be used to promote your programs and get Downlines on them and can also be used to advertise your businesses and get customers.

We will think of a good Domain Name ( if you don't have one ) that will fit your business, register it and get it a good hosting Server ( Up to a Year. Can go for more )
After this, we will review your programs or businesses you want to use the website to advertise, post the review on the site and will start promoting it both online and offline. We will make sure the website designed is ranked by Alexa and Google within the first week.

We will be advertising the site and main objective ( aim ) will be to get people to join the programs or become a customer of the business posted on it. We won't be advertising for advertising sake or just to drive traffics / visits to the site.

We will be advertising the website both Online and Offline. The Methods we will use are :

Will Design Online Banners of Different Sizes for the website

Will Design Flyers for Online & Offline Use. Can have Up To 1,000,000 Copies Printed Out and will be distributed offline across Twenty States and will be Videoed as proof.
We will design Posters and paste them across Twenty States

Will add your program ( if you are advertising a program ) to Our Membership & Downline Building Program and members will be joining it ( It won't be only those that joined through you like it is happening on other Downline Building Programs ). Only admin can add programs.
Will Submit the site to Directories and Classified Sites

Give Bonuses to People that join your programs

Will post the site on Forums

Will Create a Page for the website on Facebook / Google Plus / Linkedin / Instagram / Twitter etc. We Get the pages followers and will be updating them every day.

Will be posting the website on ( Up To 6,000 ) Facebook Groups / Pages and Google Plus Communities everyday. Flyers designed will also be posted.

Will Use SMS Advertising.

Will use Bill Board

Will Advertise on Newspapers & Sport Papers

Build a List.

Will get products ( Branded Pen / T-Shirt / Bag / Clocks / Calendar / Mouse Pads for Cyber Cafes and Computer Centres etc ) designed to advertise the website

Will Advertise it using Standing Display Method in Shopping Malls

Will use Commercial or Public Buses to advert your Program or Business

Will Distribute the Flyers designed for your program or business to Banks, Shops, Offices etc to be given out to customers

We will place the Flyers Inside Newspapers ( There will be an agreement with Vendors for this )

Video Marketing will be used as well

We will be putting the Flyers under Parked Cars Windscreen Wipers

Will Organize Seminars To get people into your Programs and will record it using Video Camera as proof and sent it to you

Will Donate to charity and ask them to help advertise your business

We will hold contests which will be used to advertise your Programs and Businesses

Will use Cyber Cafes Computers to advertise your programs and businesses by using the advert designed for you as their Computer’s Wallpaper

Will go to Schools / Colleges / Universities Campuses and distribute the flyers designed for your Business / Programs. Paste and attach copies to their Bulletin Boards.

Will Donate branded Products that advertise your Business or Programs to Radio Stations to be given out to their Contest Winners

Will do the same for TV Stations

And Many More.

Ordering this service will surely get people to join your programs and become your downlines as well as becoming customer of your business.

A Personal Website is necessary. It will boost your business giving you more income. You need to get one now.

Get in Touch Today & Let Us Help You Take Your Business To A New Level.

Opportunity For Unlimited Income / Loans / Business Grants / Equipment For Business :

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