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Flag of Donna Lira

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Re: 12 Dailypro's latest news12noon PST 02/04/06
2/4/2006 6:34:07 PM
Anthony, Please accept my apologize if you took offense to my comment. You continued attempt to keep us formed is much appreciated, I was not blasting you for that. All your efforts is ALWAYS appreciated by ME and ALL here at ALP. I was just voicing an opinion on this whole senerio is all. Your friend Donna aka texgirl
Flag of Patricia Bartch

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Re: 12 Dailypro's latest news12noon PST 02/04/06
2/4/2006 9:47:58 PM
What Stormpay has done to 12DailyPro is awful. I can't stand it that Stormpay/Paypal freezes account and in some cases has caused companies to go bankrupt. Thanks for bringing this to our attention Anthony. Pat, who is GLAD TO BE A GREENZAP member!
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Re: 12 Dailypro's latest news12noon PST 02/04/06
2/4/2006 10:09:55 PM
Hi Anthony, I genuinely appreciate your ability and willingness to provide input on this whole issue - and many others. Like anyone else, my disappointment was profound when it came to literally missing the withdrawal I had requested from Profits You Deserve which, based on Steve White's past performance, I had every reason to believe I would receive. That money ($5,500) meant a lot to us. Also, my disappointment over 12DP being unable to make payouts did not help my disposition. However, after holding a pity party for a few days, I looked around and realized that although we don't live in a mansion, we have a warm home, filled with the love we have for each other, plenty of food, warmth and children and grandchildren who are all priceless and precious to us. Oh, and we also are greatly blessed with our Lexie - our goofy but wonderful Pug/Terrier. When all was said and done, I asked myself why Charis would put that much money, from that many streams of income into one place. I have learned the hard way over the years to carefully look at my priorities. Time with my husband is precious, time working on our store website is well-spent and taking on a battle that includes 12DP and StormPay is just not going to be on my list. Regardless of who is right or wrong, I entered these programs willingly. I knew that at least some of them would not pan out. I realize that 12DP has had an exemplary record of paying out on time every time. Yet, that is what any good business should do. It is no different than the excellent customer service customers expect from me. I would no sooner expect my customers to donate to any legal fund should our money processor freeze my accounts for any reason. Those possibilities are part of doing business. What I can control is how I place my family above any more hours on this computer trying to somehow change minds at StormPay, or fight legal battles on behalf of a company I really don't know all that much about when it all comes down to it. We have decided to take the loss and move forward. Anything else is negative energy that is not going to accomplish anything.
Re: 12 Dailypro's latest news12noon PST 02/04/06
2/5/2006 7:36:58 AM
Thanks, Anthony for taking time to research this hot topic. One thing I'd like to say is that 12dp asking for donations is not inspiring confidence. Plus thier constant attacks on Stormpay makes me wonder. I would have thought that with all ther claims about longevity and professionalism that such occurances would not affect the running of thier business. Tying all ones money into one program is foolish, even if it's a processor, like Stormpay; who have frozen 12dp's account, which they have the right to do if you read the terms. Now I'm not happy with what has happened as I stand to lose, too. But I'm writing it off. It seems unlikely that anyone will get refunds or payouts from 12dp anymore. Autosurfs come and go, don't they? I hope that none of us put more into it than they could afford to lose.

Randall Parks/FreeAloePlant

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Flag of Lawrence Rockett

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Re: 12 Dailypro's latest news12noon PST 02/04/06
2/5/2006 9:52:58 AM
I have been very sad about this whole situation with storpay and 12DailyPro. about a month ago i was looking for a program where i could supplement my income being that i'm living on social security. I just happened to click on a email link and read all the information on the 12Dailypro website and decided to signup as a free member. than after feeling comfortable with how everyone was saying how great this program was. and how so many people were signing up everyday like 5,000 or more, i decided too start investing just a little money from my social security check. well just as i'm starting to make a few bucks. look what has happened with stormpay and so many of these surfing sites. something tells me that my dreams were just that a dream that will never come true. Oh well after 69 years i should know better right? I have No MONEY too help Lifeclicks i would if i could...feeling very SAD about the whole situation. Larry,

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