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Jim Allen

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The OIC Denies the Evil of Islamic State
11/24/2015 10:42:53 PM
The OIC Denies the Evil of Islamic State

The Organization of Islamic Cooperation, the OIC, the world's top Islamic body, has denounced the persecution of Christians in Mosul, Iraq. The Secretary-General said that the forced displacement of Mosul's Christians showed that Islamic State, ISIS, practices have nothing to do with Islam's principles of tolerance and coexistence. And what is this tolerance and coexistence?

How have the nations of the OIC treated Christians? Members of the OIC include Iraq, Iran, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Egypt and Lebanon. What has happened to their Christians?

Christians in Iraq are being brutally tortured and raped now. In Iran if you are a Christian you can be jailed for simply being Christian. Turkey used to be called Anatolia and was 100% Christian, but today it's only 0.3% Christian. How did that happen? Through forced conversions and jihad.

Then we have Saudi Arabia which really knows how to treat its religious minorities, as in not welcome at all. And we move to Syria where Christians have been brutalized. Egypt used to be a Christian nation, but now it's 90% Muslim. Coptic Christians were driven out and were driven out, persecuted and forcibly converted. Lebanon after the second world war was Christian and now then it is majority Muslim.

So what happened to all the OIC Christians?

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
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Jim Allen

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12/18/2015 9:59:11 PM


Sarsour: Muslims Can’t Assimilate, So Americans Are Terrorizing Us

Palestinian-American activist Linda Sarsour told Melissa Harris-Perry on MSNBC that she believes Americans are creating trauma and terrorism in innocent Muslim communities.

She claims, that she fears walking through the city now, after recent attacks, but did not after the 9/11 attack. If this is the case, then should she not ask herself what has changed in the world that would perhaps give her religion such a bad name? Why do people feel fear when faced with radical Islam and what is Sarsour doing to fight against it herself?

“Just listening to the listing of these attacks on individuals and on mosques and understanding the trauma that we’re causing communities and we talk about terror and terrorism, of what we’re doing, is we’re engaging in terrorism against the innocent community that has nothing to do with this.”

Those Muslims with platforms to speak out against radical Islam and ISIS should be doing that, which would help non-Muslims feel as if they have a kindred partner in the fight.

Instead, too many people, like Sarsour, lash out against the police, Americans, and Conservatives and blame them for the problems in their communities and mosques, instead of having a reformation to completely make a distinction between groups like ISIS and American Muslims. It is up to them to join the battle, as well as remove any perceived “guilt by association.”

What does it mean to be radicalized

Do you believe the Bull****? Because these people cannot ASSIMILATE we are now terrorizing them? FREAKING LEAVE THEN!!! This really has to stop folks. We should not be expected to assimilate to there ways and any true defender of the constitution knows their theocracy cannot stand with our system!

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
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Jim Allen

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Minn. students to sing Muslim prayer “Allahu Akbar” at high school Christmas con
12/19/2015 5:20:38 PM

Minn. students to sing Muslim prayer “Allahu Akbar” at high school Christmas concert - facebook-lyrics2

It’s endless. The leftist elites are ramming this genocidal ideology down our throats and demanding that we sacrifice our children to its altar.

I warn of this indoctrination and inculcation and what you can do about it in my book, Stop the Islamization of America: A Practical Guide to the Resistance.

“Parents Question Choice To Sing ‘Allahu Akbar’ At Holiday Concert,” CBS news, December 17, 2015 (thanks to Van):
BLAINE, Minn. (WCCO) — Some parents in the Anoka-Hennepin School District are questioning a choir teacher’s decision to use a song about Ramadan performed in Arabic at a holiday concert.

At Thursday night’s concert at Blaine High School, one of the songs students will be singing includes Arabic words, including the phrase “Allahu Akbar,” which means “God is great.”

Actually it means Allah is greater [than your god].

Christian and Jewish songs will be performed as well, but the Ramadan song is getting all the attention.

Allahu akbar is not a “Ramadan” song. But this is how CBS sells this pile of dung. Oh, and it’s not even Ramadan, that was months ago.

It started with a post on Facebook. A parent of a ninth-grade Blaine choir student posted the lyrics to the song the choir has been practicing. When others learned students would be singing the song on Thursday, the comments took a turn.

(credit: Facebook)

One person posted, “No child should be forced to sing a song about the Muslims and the religion of hatred.”

Another parent, who didn’t want to be identified, told WCCO phone that considering the recent events in Paris and San Bernardino, singing a song about Allah would be “insensitive.”

The Anoka- Hennepin School District said they have received about a dozen complaints about the song. Some are from parents, some are from people not even affiliated with the school.

In a statement, the district said that they have students from many different backgrounds and cultures, and they promote equal opportunities for all students.

- See more at:

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
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Jim Allen

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Is Halting Muslims from U.S. Entry Racist?
12/20/2015 6:38:07 PM
Donald Trump is being called racist because he believes Muslims should be denied entrance into the U.S. Is that a racist move or a national security move? Should it also be considered that it's not racist if terrorists can't enter and kill the people of color who also live in America?

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
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Jim Allen

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Muslims Fail to Prove Islam is a Religion of Peace in Debate
12/20/2015 6:45:40 PM

Muslims Fail to Prove Islam is a Religion of Peace in Debate

Zeba Khan and Maajid Nawaz debate against Ayaan Hirsi Ali and Douglas Murray to try and prove that Islam is a religion of peace. Spoiler alert: they fail miserably, and that''s not just my bias, that's how the audience actually felt. The only thing Zeba and Maajid proved was that they wish and hope that Islam will become a religion of peace.

Note: The only parts cut from the debate were the long introduction before the moderator first starts speaking and instances where the moderator repeated the name of the debate and all the debaters, which he did several times. You will see a cut at about 52 minutes in where Maajid is just finishing a sentence. Nothing that he said was cut. After he says "camp" the video cut to the audience and the moderator started announcing the debate information again.

Otherwise, even the questions and answers have been left in at the end.

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success


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