3 cups flour
3 teaspoon (tsp) baking powder
1/2 (half) cup or 4 oz. margarine/butter (softened)
2-21/2 (two - two and half) cups grated coconut (you can put less if you like)
1 cup sugar (brown or granulated-white)
1 cup raisins
1/2 (half) cup chopped cherries
1/2 (half) cup mixed peel (this is candied fruit)
1 tsp mixed spice (this is ground spices, cinnamon, etc)
3/4 (three quarters) cup milk or water (or you can mix both to measure three quarters cup)
1 egg, beaten
1 tsp vanilla
1/2 (half) cup currants (optional)
Sift together flour and baking powder.
Add margarine (butter), coconut, sugar, raisins, cherries, mixed peel, spices and currants (if adding); mix thoroughly.
Combine milk, egg and vanilla.
Add liquid to dry ingredients and mix until all the liquid is incorporated. Do not knead, just mix together until fully incorporated.
Pour into two 81/2"(eight and a half) x 4 1/2" (four and a half) inch greased loaf pans.
Bake in a preheated oven at 325 degrees Fahrenheit for 50-60 mins or until tester comes out clean.
Remove from oven and glaze with mixture of 1 tablespoon (tbsp) sugar and 1 tablespoon (tbsp) water.
Return to hot oven for 3-4 minutes baking. Then, remove from heat and cool.