Sorry, had to get that out of my system first. I feel so special....I obviously incurred the wrath of ScamPay with the e-mail I sent them. I'm now banned from their site. Oh my, I am laughing so hard. They got a whole 64 cents from me!!!!!! Unless of course someone sent me money and I didn't get to it first.
Could somebody please help me out? I opened an e-Gold account today, but haven't funded it yet. I'm not sure e-Gold is my all-time favorite, but need it for a program. Funding an e-Gold account is such a pain....IMHO....due to the need to sign up with a gold exchange, etc. Can any of you recommend a gold exchange site that you have used and especially if you can buy gold with your credit card? Goodness!! With all this having to do a bank wire transfer, or send a money order, etc., etc. - this is just not convenient.
Thanks for any advice.