Dobbs Blisters Traitorous Paul Ryan For Betrayal Of Trump, Party, Americans Since Donald Trump took the gloves off the liberal elites have opted to employ their own new strategy of naked betrayal. Dobbs notes the difficulty that the elites are having with Trump, now recognizing that he is truly a threat to their status quo cronyism to a much greater degree than they had earlier been willing to believe. Noting that Trump made his fortune before entering into politics rather than as a result of it, and the threat that he presents, he’s “far too close for further laxity among the elites. They are taking him now seriously, so seriously they mean to seriously kill his candidacy outright. And that’s why Donald Trump is fighting an all but impossible to win war on three fronts.” Dobbs describes how Speaker Paul Ryan, “Today chose to betray millions of Trump voters and supporters, abandon any common sense it seems he might possess, and turn his back on his party’s presidential nominee. Ryan telling House Republicans that he will not defend nor campaign with Trump, telling lawmakers to “do what’s best for you in your district.”