Hi, Lawton
I'll give you my standard answer: well, I've got you fooled then, lol.
I only found out the smiley, frowny and winky because I was using the standard keyboard versions, just as you did. A friend from Adland discovered the mischievous devil while trying to post a 6 in parentheses for another purpose, and told us about it. I only know how to do a tiny bit of html formatting, and had to be taught that by other Adland friends. I've just been here long enough to learn a few tricks.
That's a funny story, about the cotton. It never fails that if you return a sarcastic answer thinking someone is joking, they aren't and you leave them completely bewildered.
I have an aunt who was an extremely gullible 15-year-old when she married my uncle. He used to tell her that fur coats grew on fir trees and other nonsense that she believed, according to family lore. I'm almost as bad because I'm so literal-minded, except when it's me making the joke.
Here, I make sure to use an emoticon or an acronym like 'lol' to indicate I'm joking. Otherwise, it's too easy to offend when I'm only trying to be funny (with mixed results, usually).