The Divine Source within Me
6/25/2015 1:56:39 PM
The Daily Prayer 06.25.2015 “The Divine Source within Me” Tammi Lambert
There is one divine source of love, beauty and abundance. It is infinite power, infinite knowledge, limitless strength, never ceasing wisdom, and miraculous creation. This infinite source is only good, is God, is Life, and is Love.There is nothing that can ever separate me from this Love, from the divine creative source within me. I am one with that infinite energy. What I create with my thoughts and my mind is reality, right now. I speak the truth into the Universal Law, knowing that it manifests even now.I create now for myself, and my life, the blessing of perfect timing. Exactly what I need shows up at exactly the right time. What I need to see, I see clearly in perfect time. What I need to know appears before me. I am walking a path strewn with possibilities and wonderful opportunities, a path landscaped with the beauty of life. Every step I take is blessed. Every action I take is divinely guided. Every word I speak is sacred. I am basking in the joy, the deep peace, of knowing that everything that presents itself is all God, is all Good, and it is all perfection. Everything moves toward the full expression of harmony and joy. I lay down all fear, apprehension, and worry, knowing that the entire Universe is conspiring for my success and prosperity in every area of my life. I trust God. I trust myself. I have faith and the peace that comes from having this deep abiding faith.I am so thankful for this divine synchronicity, for this divine plan. I am so grateful because I know that this prayer is right now taking effect in my reality. I am filled with joy, knowing that it is even now manifesting, creating, and restoring.I release this prayer into the Universal Law in full faith, knowing that it is demonstrating and taking effect in this very moment.And so, it is.Tammi LambertRio Grande Center for Spiritual Living, Albuquerque, NM 87107Share The Love by adding this post your social networks.#God #thedivinesourcewithinme #CenterForSpiritualLiving #RioGrandeCenterForSpiritualLiving #RGCSL #scienceofmind #religiousscience