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Adlandpro #Forums $$$ Best #Self-help on #Planet_Earth!
5/8/2017 3:05:46 PM
Last week I joined SFI International and like


I am in constant contact with my Newly Added Networking Community
via blog post that links to forum here in Adlandpro


Jan's SFI Report $$$ 11th Day Member
5/11/2017 11:34:02 AM
11 days ago, I joined SFI

My 1st goal is to recruit PSAs

NOTE: The following calculations are * projections based on
2 personally sponsored affiliates (PSA) becomeing Executive Affiliates (EA) (min. 1,500 VersaPoints) each month
and 1 affiliate sponsored by the affiliates in my group who become Executive Affiliate (EA) each month

$54.30 per month after 6 months ($651.60/yr)
$203.34 per month after 12 months ($2,440.08/yr)
$382.62 per month after 18 months ($4,591.44/yr)
$613.74 per month after 24 months ($7,364.88/yr)

1. This is an estimate only! Your actual results will depend on you.
2. Estimate is based on a typical CV (commission volume) per Executive Affiliate (EA) of $20. It is assumed you start as and maintain EA (min. 1,500 VersaPoints) status for yourself.
3. You will likely have some attrition (EAs not meeting the min. 1,500 point EA qualifications) each month. To get an idea of how attrition would affect your commissions, do an estimate that takes attrition into account. For example, if you think that 25% of your EAs will drop below the EA level, instead of basing an estimate on 4 personally sponsored EAs per month, use 3 per month.
4. Additional income can be earned through ECA Royalties, Direct Sales, SFIPPA (Pay Per Action) and SFI contests.
Payment of amounts shown in PURPLE (if any) require attaining the rank of EA (Executive Affiliate).
Have earned (not showing actual amonunts)
Signing Bonus (SB) 50%
Milestone Shares
NOTE: ... have only been an SFI Affiliate for 11 days need 397 VersaPoints (VP) to elevate to EA ... am not pursuing EA until I actually coach my 1st (PSA)

Have PURPLE pending earnings in:

TripleClicks Executive Pool (EP)
1,103 personal VP this month
Co-Sponsor Commissions (CSC)
ECA Referral Program


Pending earnings in:
TCredit Bonus
SFI Pay-Per-Action (PPA)

All amounts are based on VersaPoints and sales generated so far this month.
Payment of amounts shown in PURPLE (if any) require attaining the rank of EA (Executive Affiliate).

All TripleClicks Executive Pool amounts are an estimate only and are based on last month's pool share value. This month's share value may be higher or lower.
Any refunds or returned orders prior to commission processing (approximately June 10th) will decrease your VP, CV, and any commissions based on this CV.

Jan's Power Rank
#3,956 COUNTRY (United States, SFI's #3 most active country)
#40,987 OVERALL
All ranks based on 1103 total VP earned to date


I am not limiting myself to just recruiting PSAs in the USA
SFI is International
This Opportunity is International
SFI Translates in Many Languages

Your Invitation to Team Up

انا لا حصر لمجرد تجنيد ساس في الولايات الامريكيه
الرابطة الدولية
وهذه الفرصة هي الدولية
فاي يترجم في العديد من اللغات

دعوتك للفريق

Ek nie beperk myself om net werwing van PSAs in die VSA
SFI is internasionale
Hierdie geleentheid is internasionale
SFI vertaal in baie tale

Jou uitnodiging te span tot

Saya tidak membatasi diri untuk hanya merekrut PSAs di Amerika Serikat
SFI adalah internasional
Kesempatan ini adalah International
SFI diterjemahkan dalam banyak bahasa

Undangan Anda untuk tim Up

میں خود امریکہ میں پساس کو بھرتی کرنے کے لئے صرف محدود ہوں نہیں
فا بین الاقوامی ہے ۔
اس موقع پر بین الاقوامی ہے ۔
فا کئی زبانوں میں ترجمہ

آپ کی دعوت کو ٹیم کے لیے

Я не ограничивает себя чтобы просто набору СРП в США
SFI Международная
Эта возможность является международной
SFI переводит на многих языках

Ваше приглашение в команду вверх

मैं अपने आप को सिर्फ संयुक्त राज्य अमेरिका में PSAs की भर्ती करने के लिए सीमित नहीं रहा हूँ
SFI इंटरनेशनल है
इंटरनेशनल इस अवसर है
SFI का कई भाषाओं में अनुवाद करता है

टीम अप करने के लिए आपका आमंत्रण

No me estoy limitando a sólo reclutar a los PSA en los EE.
SFI es internacional
Esta oportunidad es internacional
La SFI se traduce en muchos idiomas

Su invitación a equipo

jIH wej vuS jIH neH muvmoH usa psa
sfi international
'eb international
qaStaHvIS law' Hol mugh sfi

Team mu'meywIj Invitation

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5/11/2017 12:22:22 PM

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