I Picture In Every Way the Perfection of My Being
6/12/2015 1:09:06 PM
The Daily Prayer “I Picture In Every Way the Perfection of My Being” Alicia Kay Hanlen, RScP
Perfect God within me, Perfect Life within me, which is God, come forth into expression through me, as that which I am. Lead me ever into the paths of perfection, and cause me to see only the Good. – Dr. Ernest HolmesDear Spirit, Father/Mother God, I know that we are all connected as One in your beloved eyes – we are all your precious, precious children, equally entitled to all of the Love, all of the Good, all of the Wholeness of the Universe in which we live, move, breathe, and have our being. What a joy and a privilege it is to feel this love so intimately, to know that I am supported, uplifted, and protected in the loving arms of Spirit. And so knowing this for myself, I know that right now I radiate with health and wholeness. I possess everything necessary to out-picture in every way the perfection of my being, as I know that within myself I can and indeed do bring forth into manifestation that innate perfection which is at my very core and center. As I progress down the path of my healing, God/Spirit/Life provides every resource needed to insure that my very highest and best outcome is achieved. In this state of Oneness in which we all exist, each and every doctor, medical technician, therapist, caregiver, counselor, and all of those who love and cherish me join together to support this healing process. I know that every fiber, muscle, tissue, tendon, and bone, and each and everything function of all of my internal organs, everything connected to my physical body respond with perfect harmony and synchronicity to achieve their optimum and maximum performance and capacity, with ease, flexibility, strength and grace. I am now completely open to receive all of the Love, support, and positive, healing energy to radiate the perfect expression of this expanded physical experience of my body. I release anything and everything that no longer serves me, and receive everything which expands and supports me at this higher state of being. And in this receiving, as I feel the Love pour into me, I reciprocate in kind, sharing my Love with everyone I encounter along my path. In this sharing of Love, the law of circulation finds its voice, and the circle of giving and receiving – the very continuity of Life itself – is complete. I see and know that this experience is rich in its gifts, for a full and complete healing of body, mind and spirit, for renewed vigor and vitality, and for radiant health. My heart and soul is filled with gratitude and thanksgiving as I see the manifestation of my complete healing in all aspects of my life. Thank you dear Spirit, thank you dear God, thank you dear Life for all that is provided right here and right now. And so I release this word into the Law, where I know with absolute certainty that it is done. And so it is.Alicia Kay Hanlen is a Practitioner at the Taos Center for Spiritual Living and is a affiliated with the Rio Grande Center for Spiritual Living, Albuquerque, NM 87107Share The Love by adding this post your social networks.#God #perfect #CenterForSpiritualLiving #RioGrandeCenterForSpiritualLiving #RGCSL #scienceofmind #religiousscience