Now I hope I don't confuse you all with what I am about to say.
First, I agree with the affirmation above.
My thought on this though, is that we tend to put so much pressure on ourselves to be "perfect", or at least we try to make fewer mistakes, but we will invariably "mess up" from time to time, and what happens next is the true test of our personal growth.
What is my self talk immediately following a mistake? Do I verbalize a "Homeristic" DOH! and mentally criticize myself for being so stupid, or do I understand I've slipped, recognize that I'm not perfect, and resolve to learn from it?
Personally, I take the pressure off with this bit: "I am perfectly imperfect, learn from this", or how about the age old saying "To err is human".
I find it much easier to maintain my positive focus when I'm not being so hard on myself.
To help me out here I often consider what my close friends would say at my error (because I can more often be my own worst critic). When I realize that they would be more inclined to be loving and understanding how can I reasonably do anything less?