Marrjo Tinlin published an article, titled,
Who is more corrupt ~ Democrats or Rebublicans? The following was a commentor's response. "So then these are all bogus? ----------- Republican Governor George Ryan - 4/17/2006 racketeering and bribery - (76 people convicted) Republican Governor Bob Taft - 8/18/2005. 5 counts failure to report gifts from Lobbyists Republican Governor John Rowland - 12/24/2004 Bribery Republican Governor Sonny Perdue - Campaign ethics violations NH GOP Chair Chuck McGee - conspiricy to make harrasing phone calls to block people from voting. Republican Aide Allen Raymond Republican James Tobin (NE Regional Dir., Bush campaign) - 12/15/05 conspiracy to commit telephone harassment, aiding and abetting of telephone harassment Republican Charles McGee (Executive Director of the NH Republican State Committee ) Republican Shaun Hansen. GOP Marketing aide - conspiracy to commit telephone harassment and aiding and abetting telephone harassment Republican Aide Scott Falwell - racketeering, mail fraud and obstruction of justice Republican Aide Alexandra Prokos - Perjury Republican Aide Jim Ellis - 13 counts of unlawful acceptance of a corporate political contribution, money laundering Republican Aide John Colyandro - money laundering Republican Brian Hicks - bribery Republican Chief of Staff Peter Ellef - Bribery Republican Roger G. Stillwell - Interior Department official - bribed by Abramoff Republican Lobbyist Jack Abramoff - defrauding of American Indian tribes and corruption of public officials Republican Tony Rudy (lobbyist and aide to Tom Delay) - conspiricy Republican Representative Bob Ney - Conspiricy to defraud the United States and making false statements Republican Neil Volz (lobbyist and aide to Bob Ney) - bribery and corruption Republican William Heaton(Bob Ney's chief of staff) - Conspiricy Republican Representative Randy "Duke" Cunningham - conspiracy to commit bribery, mail fraud, wire fraud, and tax evasion Republican David Hossein Safavian. Lying, obstruction of Justice Democratic Senator Traficant - bribery and forcing his aides to perform chores Republican Chief of Staff Lewis "Scooter" Libby - two counts of perjury, one of obstruction of justice, and one of making false statements to federal investigators Republican Tom Noe - Laundered money for the 2004 Bush-Cheney campaign, theft, corruption, party chairman and Bush Pioneer fundraiser Republican Gov Ernie Fletcher - 13 aides indicted Republican Micheal Scanlon (lobbyist and aide to Tom DeLay) - bribery Deputy Secretary Steven Griles - bribery, perjury, obstrcting a congressional investigation. Republican Congressional aide Mark Zachares - bribery Confessed under grant of Immunity --------------------------------- Monica Goodling, White House liaison for Alberto Gonzales - Hired federal prosecuters based upon party affiliation. Indicted/Charged ---------------- Republican Tom Delay - conspiring to violate Texas state election law, money laundering and conspiracy to commit money laundering. Reprimanded by House Ethics Committee Republican Lawrence Novak Republican Nathan Taylor Kyle "Dusty" Foggo (George W Bush's CIA Executive Director) - 30 wide-ranging counts of fraud, conspiracy, money laundering, leaking classified information. Republican Lurita Alexis Doan, Administrator of the General Services Administration - violations of the Hatch act. Democratic Senator William Jefferson - 16 counts of racketeering, soliciting bribes and money-laundering Under investigation --------------------------- Republican Senator Ben Stevens - bribery, corruption Republican Karl Rove - Abramoff, interfering in federal investigations, obstruction of justice Republican President George W. Bush - Abramoff, interfering in federal investigations, obstruction of justice Republican Vice President Dick Cheney - Abramoff, interfering in federal investigations, obstruction of justice Republican Governor and RNC Chairman Haley Barbour - Laundered money from foreign governments into presidential elections. Used non-profit organizations for illegal purposes. Perjury. Republican Representive Mark Foley - Pediphilia Republican Representive Mark Reynolds - Covered up for Mark Foley Republican Representive Dennis Hastert - Covered up for Mark Foley Republican Governor Mitt Romney - Made false statements to bondholders Republican Governor/Ex Representative Jim Gibbons - Bribery Republican Attorney General Gonzales - Fired US Attorneys for prosecuting Republicans, interfering in federal investigations, obstruction of justice, lying to Congress, perjury, witness tampering. Republican Paul J. McNulty - Deputy Attorney General. Interfering in federal investigations, obstruction of justice, lying to Congress, perjury Republican Senator Pete Domenici - Used influence to get a US Attorney fired Republican Representative Heather Wilson - Used influence to get a US Attorney fired Republican Representative Tom Feeney - bribery Republican Representative Richard George Renzi - bribery, conflict on interest. Republican Representative Jerry Lewis - Accepted gifts from Lobbyists, bribery, honest services fraud, dispensation of special favors Republican Representative John Doolittle - Accepted money from Jack Abramoff in exchange for favors. Democratic Representative Alan Mollohan -May have funnelled money to his own home-state foundations Republican Representative Rick Renzi - bribery, sponsored legislation that dealt hundreds of millions of dollars to his father’s business Republican Representative Tim Murphy - Ethics violations regarding use of Congressional staff for campaign purposes. Republican Representative Gary Miller - Illegal land deals, tax fraud Republican Representative Ken Calvert - Steered federal money to projects near his private real estate developments. Republican Representative Don Young - bribery Implicated - May be under investigation --------------------------------------- Richard Shelby (REPUBLICAN SENATOR - AL) Robert Riley (REPUBLICAN GOVENOR- AL) J. D. Hayworth (REPUBLICAN REPRESENTATIVE - AZ) Dana Rohrabacher (REPUBLICAN REPRESENTATIVE - CA) Doug Ose (REPUBLICAN REPRESENTATIVE - CA) Richard Pombo (REPUBLICAN REPRESENTATIVE - CA) John Doolittle (REPUBLICAN REPRESENTATIVE - CA) Ed Royce (REPUBLICAN REPRESENTATIVE - CA) Scott McInnis (REPUBLICAN REPRESENTATIVE - CO) Rob Simmons (REPUBLICAN REPRESENTATIVE - CT) Tom Feeney (REPUBLICAN REPRESENTATIVE - FL) Ric Keller (REPUBLICAN REPRESENTATIVE - FL) John Isakson (REPUBLICAN SENATOR - GA) Saxby Chambliss (REPUBLICAN SENATOR - CA) Jack Kingston (REPUBLICAN REPRESENTATIVE - GA) Michael Simpson (REPUBLICAN REPRESENTATIVE - ID) Butch Otter (REPUBLICAN REPRESENTATIVE - ID) Jerry Walker (REPUBLICAN REPRESENTATIVE - IL) Dan Burton (REPUBLICAN REPRESENTATIVE - IN) Charles Grassley (REPUBLICAN SENATOR - IA) BOB EHRLICH (REPUBLICAN GOVENOR- MD) Dave Camp (REPUBLICAN REPRESENTATIVE - MI) Gil Gutknecht (REPUBLICAN REPRESENTATIVE - MN) Christopher Bind (REPUBLICAN SENATOR- MO) Jim Talent (REPUBLICAN SENATOR- MO) Charles Pickering (REPUBLICAN REPRESENTATIVE - MS) Roger Wicker (REPUBLICAN REPRESENTATIVE - MS) Thad Cochran (REPUBLICAN SENATOR- MS) Dennis Rehberg (REPUBLICAN SENATOR- MT) Jon Christensen (REPUBLICAN REPRESENTATIVE - NE) John Ensign (REPUBLICAN REPRESENTATIVE - NV) Roger Wicker (REPUBLICAN REPRESENTATIVE - MS) Jim Saxton (REPUBLICAN REPRESENTATIVE - NJ) Frank LoBiondo (REPUBLICAN REPRESENTATIVE - NJ) Mike Ferguson (REPUBLICAN REPRESENTATIVE - NJ) Heather Wilson (REPUBLICAN REPRESENTATIVE - NM) Charles Taylor (REPUBLICAN REPRESENTATIVE - NC) Walter Jones (REPUBLICAN REPRESENTATIVE - NC) Jean Schmidt (REPUBLICAN REPRESENTATIVE - OH) Ralph Regula (REPUBLICAN REPRESENTATIVE - OH) Ernest Istook (REPUBLICAN REPRESENTATIVE - OK) James Inhofe (REPUBLICAN SENATOR- OK) Tom Coburn (REPUBLICAN REPRESENTATIVE - OK) Gordon Smith (REPUBLICAN SENATOR- OR) Arlen Specter (REPUBLICAN SENATOR- PA) Curt Weldon (REPUBLICAN REPRESENTATIVE - PA) Joe Pitts (REPUBLICAN REPRESENTATIVE - PA) John Thune (REPUBLICAN SENATOR - SD) Bill Janklow (REPUBLICAN REPRESENTATIVE - SD) Van Hilleary (REPUBLICAN REPRESENTATIVE - TN) Chris Cannon (REPUBLICAN SENATOR- UT) Eric Canter (REPUBLICAN REPRESENTATIVE - VA) Randy Forbes (REPUBLICAN REPRESENTATIVE - VA) George Allen (REPUBLICAN SENATOR- VA) Tom Davis (REPUBLICAN REPRESENTATIVE - VA) George Nethercutt (REPUBLICAN REPRESENTATIVE - WA) Doc Hastings (REPUBLICAN REPRESENTATIVE - WA) Dave Reichert (REPUBLICAN REPRESENTATIVE - WA) Mark Green (REPUBLICAN REPRESENTATIVE - WI) Paul Ryan (REPUBLICAN REPRESENTATIVE - WI) Shelly Moore Capito (REPUBLICAN REPRESENTATIVE - WV) Mike Enzi (REPUBLICAN SENATOR- WY) Barbara Cubin (REPUBLICAN REPRESENTATIVE - WY) Robert Riley (REPUBLICAN GOVENOR - AL) Marilyn Musgrave (REPUBLICAN REPRESENTATIVE- CO) Jim Nussle (REPUBLICAN REPRESENTATIVE - IA) Matt Blunt (REPUBLICAN GOVENTOR- MO) Roy Blunt (REPUBLICAN MAJORITY LEADER - MO) Jon Christensen (FORMER REPUBLICAN REPRESENTATIVE- NE) Jeb Bradley (REPUBLICAN REPRESENTATIVE - NH) John E Sununu (REPUBLICAN SENATOR - NH) Jean Schmidt (REPUBLICAN REPRESENTATIVE - OH) Joe Wilson(REPUBLICAN REPRESENTATIVE - SC) Gresham Barrett (REPUBLICAN REPRESENTATIVE - SC) Henry Brown (REPUBLICAN REPRESENTATIVE - SC) Convicted: 102 Republicans. 1 Democrat Indicted: 5 Republicans. 1 Democrats Confessed under grant of Immunity: 1 Republican. 0 Democrats. Under investigation: 21 Republicans. 1 Democrat. implicated: 75 Republicans. 0 Democrats Total: 204 Republicans. 3 Democrats."