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Corruption in Organized Futbol aka Soccer ~ exposed
6/6/2015 7:03:16 AM
 Why should Americans care? Today's economy is GLOBAL and the popular sport in the International community is 'futbol' called soccer in the USA. Competing for the World Cup is more super sized than the USA's football Super Bowl. Futbol, internationally, is a multi-billion dollar generating sport.
RE: Corruption in politics ...
6/11/2015 12:39:00 AM
Marrjo Tinlin published an article, titled, Who is more corrupt ~ Democrats or Rebublicans? The following was a commentor's response. "So then these are all bogus? ----------- Republican Governor George Ryan - 4/17/2006 racketeering and bribery - (76 people convicted) Republican Governor Bob Taft - 8/18/2005. 5 counts failure to report gifts from Lobbyists Republican Governor John Rowland - 12/24/2004 Bribery Republican Governor Sonny Perdue - Campaign ethics violations NH GOP Chair Chuck McGee - conspiricy to make harrasing phone calls to block people from voting. Republican Aide Allen Raymond Republican James Tobin (NE Regional Dir., Bush campaign) - 12/15/05 conspiracy to commit telephone harassment, aiding and abetting of telephone harassment Republican Charles McGee (Executive Director of the NH Republican State Committee ) Republican Shaun Hansen. GOP Marketing aide - conspiracy to commit telephone harassment and aiding and abetting telephone harassment Republican Aide Scott Falwell - racketeering, mail fraud and obstruction of justice Republican Aide Alexandra Prokos - Perjury Republican Aide Jim Ellis - 13 counts of unlawful acceptance of a corporate political contribution, money laundering Republican Aide John Colyandro - money laundering Republican Brian Hicks - bribery Republican Chief of Staff Peter Ellef - Bribery Republican Roger G. Stillwell - Interior Department official - bribed by Abramoff Republican Lobbyist Jack Abramoff - defrauding of American Indian tribes and corruption of public officials Republican Tony Rudy (lobbyist and aide to Tom Delay) - conspiricy Republican Representative Bob Ney - Conspiricy to defraud the United States and making false statements Republican Neil Volz (lobbyist and aide to Bob Ney) - bribery and corruption Republican William Heaton(Bob Ney's chief of staff) - Conspiricy Republican Representative Randy "Duke" Cunningham - conspiracy to commit bribery, mail fraud, wire fraud, and tax evasion Republican David Hossein Safavian. Lying, obstruction of Justice Democratic Senator Traficant - bribery and forcing his aides to perform chores Republican Chief of Staff Lewis "Scooter" Libby - two counts of perjury, one of obstruction of justice, and one of making false statements to federal investigators Republican Tom Noe - Laundered money for the 2004 Bush-Cheney campaign, theft, corruption, party chairman and Bush Pioneer fundraiser Republican Gov Ernie Fletcher - 13 aides indicted Republican Micheal Scanlon (lobbyist and aide to Tom DeLay) - bribery Deputy Secretary Steven Griles - bribery, perjury, obstrcting a congressional investigation. Republican Congressional aide Mark Zachares - bribery Confessed under grant of Immunity --------------------------------- Monica Goodling, White House liaison for Alberto Gonzales - Hired federal prosecuters based upon party affiliation. Indicted/Charged ---------------- Republican Tom Delay - conspiring to violate Texas state election law, money laundering and conspiracy to commit money laundering. Reprimanded by House Ethics Committee Republican Lawrence Novak Republican Nathan Taylor Kyle "Dusty" Foggo (George W Bush's CIA Executive Director) - 30 wide-ranging counts of fraud, conspiracy, money laundering, leaking classified information. Republican Lurita Alexis Doan, Administrator of the General Services Administration - violations of the Hatch act. Democratic Senator William Jefferson - 16 counts of racketeering, soliciting bribes and money-laundering Under investigation --------------------------- Republican Senator Ben Stevens - bribery, corruption Republican Karl Rove - Abramoff, interfering in federal investigations, obstruction of justice Republican President George W. Bush - Abramoff, interfering in federal investigations, obstruction of justice Republican Vice President Dick Cheney - Abramoff, interfering in federal investigations, obstruction of justice Republican Governor and RNC Chairman Haley Barbour - Laundered money from foreign governments into presidential elections. Used non-profit organizations for illegal purposes. Perjury. Republican Representive Mark Foley - Pediphilia Republican Representive Mark Reynolds - Covered up for Mark Foley Republican Representive Dennis Hastert - Covered up for Mark Foley Republican Governor Mitt Romney - Made false statements to bondholders Republican Governor/Ex Representative Jim Gibbons - Bribery Republican Attorney General Gonzales - Fired US Attorneys for prosecuting Republicans, interfering in federal investigations, obstruction of justice, lying to Congress, perjury, witness tampering. Republican Paul J. McNulty - Deputy Attorney General. Interfering in federal investigations, obstruction of justice, lying to Congress, perjury Republican Senator Pete Domenici - Used influence to get a US Attorney fired Republican Representative Heather Wilson - Used influence to get a US Attorney fired Republican Representative Tom Feeney - bribery Republican Representative Richard George Renzi - bribery, conflict on interest. Republican Representative Jerry Lewis - Accepted gifts from Lobbyists, bribery, honest services fraud, dispensation of special favors Republican Representative John Doolittle - Accepted money from Jack Abramoff in exchange for favors. Democratic Representative Alan Mollohan -May have funnelled money to his own home-state foundations Republican Representative Rick Renzi - bribery, sponsored legislation that dealt hundreds of millions of dollars to his father’s business Republican Representative Tim Murphy - Ethics violations regarding use of Congressional staff for campaign purposes. Republican Representative Gary Miller - Illegal land deals, tax fraud Republican Representative Ken Calvert - Steered federal money to projects near his private real estate developments. Republican Representative Don Young - bribery Implicated - May be under investigation --------------------------------------- Richard Shelby (REPUBLICAN SENATOR - AL) Robert Riley (REPUBLICAN GOVENOR- AL) J. D. Hayworth (REPUBLICAN REPRESENTATIVE - AZ) Dana Rohrabacher (REPUBLICAN REPRESENTATIVE - CA) Doug Ose (REPUBLICAN REPRESENTATIVE - CA) Richard Pombo (REPUBLICAN REPRESENTATIVE - CA) John Doolittle (REPUBLICAN REPRESENTATIVE - CA) Ed Royce (REPUBLICAN REPRESENTATIVE - CA) Scott McInnis (REPUBLICAN REPRESENTATIVE - CO) Rob Simmons (REPUBLICAN REPRESENTATIVE - CT) Tom Feeney (REPUBLICAN REPRESENTATIVE - FL) Ric Keller (REPUBLICAN REPRESENTATIVE - FL) John Isakson (REPUBLICAN SENATOR - GA) Saxby Chambliss (REPUBLICAN SENATOR - CA) Jack Kingston (REPUBLICAN REPRESENTATIVE - GA) Michael Simpson (REPUBLICAN REPRESENTATIVE - ID) Butch Otter (REPUBLICAN REPRESENTATIVE - ID) Jerry Walker (REPUBLICAN REPRESENTATIVE - IL) Dan Burton (REPUBLICAN REPRESENTATIVE - IN) Charles Grassley (REPUBLICAN SENATOR - IA) BOB EHRLICH (REPUBLICAN GOVENOR- MD) Dave Camp (REPUBLICAN REPRESENTATIVE - MI) Gil Gutknecht (REPUBLICAN REPRESENTATIVE - MN) Christopher Bind (REPUBLICAN SENATOR- MO) Jim Talent (REPUBLICAN SENATOR- MO) Charles Pickering (REPUBLICAN REPRESENTATIVE - MS) Roger Wicker (REPUBLICAN REPRESENTATIVE - MS) Thad Cochran (REPUBLICAN SENATOR- MS) Dennis Rehberg (REPUBLICAN SENATOR- MT) Jon Christensen (REPUBLICAN REPRESENTATIVE - NE) John Ensign (REPUBLICAN REPRESENTATIVE - NV) Roger Wicker (REPUBLICAN REPRESENTATIVE - MS) Jim Saxton (REPUBLICAN REPRESENTATIVE - NJ) Frank LoBiondo (REPUBLICAN REPRESENTATIVE - NJ) Mike Ferguson (REPUBLICAN REPRESENTATIVE - NJ) Heather Wilson (REPUBLICAN REPRESENTATIVE - NM) Charles Taylor (REPUBLICAN REPRESENTATIVE - NC) Walter Jones (REPUBLICAN REPRESENTATIVE - NC) Jean Schmidt (REPUBLICAN REPRESENTATIVE - OH) Ralph Regula (REPUBLICAN REPRESENTATIVE - OH) Ernest Istook (REPUBLICAN REPRESENTATIVE - OK) James Inhofe (REPUBLICAN SENATOR- OK) Tom Coburn (REPUBLICAN REPRESENTATIVE - OK) Gordon Smith (REPUBLICAN SENATOR- OR) Arlen Specter (REPUBLICAN SENATOR- PA) Curt Weldon (REPUBLICAN REPRESENTATIVE - PA) Joe Pitts (REPUBLICAN REPRESENTATIVE - PA) John Thune (REPUBLICAN SENATOR - SD) Bill Janklow (REPUBLICAN REPRESENTATIVE - SD) Van Hilleary (REPUBLICAN REPRESENTATIVE - TN) Chris Cannon (REPUBLICAN SENATOR- UT) Eric Canter (REPUBLICAN REPRESENTATIVE - VA) Randy Forbes (REPUBLICAN REPRESENTATIVE - VA) George Allen (REPUBLICAN SENATOR- VA) Tom Davis (REPUBLICAN REPRESENTATIVE - VA) George Nethercutt (REPUBLICAN REPRESENTATIVE - WA) Doc Hastings (REPUBLICAN REPRESENTATIVE - WA) Dave Reichert (REPUBLICAN REPRESENTATIVE - WA) Mark Green (REPUBLICAN REPRESENTATIVE - WI) Paul Ryan (REPUBLICAN REPRESENTATIVE - WI) Shelly Moore Capito (REPUBLICAN REPRESENTATIVE - WV) Mike Enzi (REPUBLICAN SENATOR- WY) Barbara Cubin (REPUBLICAN REPRESENTATIVE - WY) Robert Riley (REPUBLICAN GOVENOR - AL) Marilyn Musgrave (REPUBLICAN REPRESENTATIVE- CO) Jim Nussle (REPUBLICAN REPRESENTATIVE - IA) Matt Blunt (REPUBLICAN GOVENTOR- MO) Roy Blunt (REPUBLICAN MAJORITY LEADER - MO) Jon Christensen (FORMER REPUBLICAN REPRESENTATIVE- NE) Jeb Bradley (REPUBLICAN REPRESENTATIVE - NH) John E Sununu (REPUBLICAN SENATOR - NH) Jean Schmidt (REPUBLICAN REPRESENTATIVE - OH) Joe Wilson(REPUBLICAN REPRESENTATIVE - SC) Gresham Barrett (REPUBLICAN REPRESENTATIVE - SC) Henry Brown (REPUBLICAN REPRESENTATIVE - SC) Convicted: 102 Republicans. 1 Democrat Indicted: 5 Republicans. 1 Democrats Confessed under grant of Immunity: 1 Republican. 0 Democrats. Under investigation: 21 Republicans. 1 Democrat. implicated: 75 Republicans. 0 Democrats Total: 204 Republicans. 3 Democrats."
Jim Allen

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RE: Corruption in Organized Futbol aka Soccer ~ exposed
6/11/2015 11:32:13 AM
How does this relate to SOCCER? Plus it depends on how you handle the corruption when found. Republicans won't cover for sleaze balls and the Demoncrats do, just look at the current fiasco demncrat Administration. That even the News Media is covering for, not to mention ALL the folks of color.

Marrjo Tinlin published an article, titled, Who is more corrupt ~ Democrats or Rebublicans? The following was a commentor's response. "So then these are all bogus? ----------- Republican Governor George Ryan - 4/17/2006 racketeering and bribery - (76 people convicted) Republican Governor Bob Taft - 8/18/2005. 5 counts failure to report gifts from Lobbyists Republican Governor John Rowland - 12/24/2004 Bribery Republican Governor Sonny Perdue - Campaign ethics violations NH GOP Chair Chuck McGee - conspiricy to make harrasing phone calls to block people from voting. Republican Aide Allen Raymond Republican James Tobin (NE Regional Dir., Bush campaign) - 12/15/05 conspiracy to commit telephone harassment, aiding and abetting of telephone harassment Republican Charles McGee (Executive Director of the NH Republican State Committee ) Republican Shaun Hansen. GOP Marketing aide - conspiracy to commit telephone harassment and aiding and abetting telephone harassment Republican Aide Scott Falwell - racketeering, mail fraud and obstruction of justice Republican Aide Alexandra Prokos - Perjury Republican Aide Jim Ellis - 13 counts of unlawful acceptance of a corporate political contribution, money laundering Republican Aide John Colyandro - money laundering Republican Brian Hicks - bribery Republican Chief of Staff Peter Ellef - Bribery Republican Roger G. Stillwell - Interior Department official - bribed by Abramoff Republican Lobbyist Jack Abramoff - defrauding of American Indian tribes and corruption of public officials Republican Tony Rudy (lobbyist and aide to Tom Delay) - conspiricy Republican Representative Bob Ney - Conspiricy to defraud the United States and making false statements Republican Neil Volz (lobbyist and aide to Bob Ney) - bribery and corruption Republican William Heaton(Bob Ney's chief of staff) - Conspiricy Republican Representative Randy "Duke" Cunningham - conspiracy to commit bribery, mail fraud, wire fraud, and tax evasion Republican David Hossein Safavian. Lying, obstruction of Justice Democratic Senator Traficant - bribery and forcing his aides to perform chores Republican Chief of Staff Lewis "Scooter" Libby - two counts of perjury, one of obstruction of justice, and one of making false statements to federal investigators Republican Tom Noe - Laundered money for the 2004 Bush-Cheney campaign, theft, corruption, party chairman and Bush Pioneer fundraiser Republican Gov Ernie Fletcher - 13 aides indicted Republican Micheal Scanlon (lobbyist and aide to Tom DeLay) - bribery Deputy Secretary Steven Griles - bribery, perjury, obstrcting a congressional investigation. Republican Congressional aide Mark Zachares - bribery Confessed under grant of Immunity --------------------------------- Monica Goodling, White House liaison for Alberto Gonzales - Hired federal prosecuters based upon party affiliation. Indicted/Charged ---------------- Republican Tom Delay - conspiring to violate Texas state election law, money laundering and conspiracy to commit money laundering. Reprimanded by House Ethics Committee Republican Lawrence Novak Republican Nathan Taylor Kyle "Dusty" Foggo (George W Bush's CIA Executive Director) - 30 wide-ranging counts of fraud, conspiracy, money laundering, leaking classified information. Republican Lurita Alexis Doan, Administrator of the General Services Administration - violations of the Hatch act. Democratic Senator William Jefferson - 16 counts of racketeering, soliciting bribes and money-laundering Under investigation --------------------------- Republican Senator Ben Stevens - bribery, corruption Republican Karl Rove - Abramoff, interfering in federal investigations, obstruction of justice Republican President George W. Bush - Abramoff, interfering in federal investigations, obstruction of justice Republican Vice President Dick Cheney - Abramoff, interfering in federal investigations, obstruction of justice Republican Governor and RNC Chairman Haley Barbour - Laundered money from foreign governments into presidential elections. Used non-profit organizations for illegal purposes. Perjury. Republican Representive Mark Foley - Pediphilia Republican Representive Mark Reynolds - Covered up for Mark Foley Republican Representive Dennis Hastert - Covered up for Mark Foley Republican Governor Mitt Romney - Made false statements to bondholders Republican Governor/Ex Representative Jim Gibbons - Bribery Republican Attorney General Gonzales - Fired US Attorneys for prosecuting Republicans, interfering in federal investigations, obstruction of justice, lying to Congress, perjury, witness tampering. Republican Paul J. McNulty - Deputy Attorney General. Interfering in federal investigations, obstruction of justice, lying to Congress, perjury Republican Senator Pete Domenici - Used influence to get a US Attorney fired Republican Representative Heather Wilson - Used influence to get a US Attorney fired Republican Representative Tom Feeney - bribery Republican Representative Richard George Renzi - bribery, conflict on interest. Republican Representative Jerry Lewis - Accepted gifts from Lobbyists, bribery, honest services fraud, dispensation of special favors Republican Representative John Doolittle - Accepted money from Jack Abramoff in exchange for favors. Democratic Representative Alan Mollohan -May have funnelled money to his own home-state foundations Republican Representative Rick Renzi - bribery, sponsored legislation that dealt hundreds of millions of dollars to his father’s business Republican Representative Tim Murphy - Ethics violations regarding use of Congressional staff for campaign purposes. Republican Representative Gary Miller - Illegal land deals, tax fraud Republican Representative Ken Calvert - Steered federal money to projects near his private real estate developments. Republican Representative Don Young - bribery Implicated - May be under investigation --------------------------------------- Richard Shelby (REPUBLICAN SENATOR - AL) Robert Riley (REPUBLICAN GOVENOR- AL) J. D. Hayworth (REPUBLICAN REPRESENTATIVE - AZ) Dana Rohrabacher (REPUBLICAN REPRESENTATIVE - CA) Doug Ose (REPUBLICAN REPRESENTATIVE - CA) Richard Pombo (REPUBLICAN REPRESENTATIVE - CA) John Doolittle (REPUBLICAN REPRESENTATIVE - CA) Ed Royce (REPUBLICAN REPRESENTATIVE - CA) Scott McInnis (REPUBLICAN REPRESENTATIVE - CO) Rob Simmons (REPUBLICAN REPRESENTATIVE - CT) Tom Feeney (REPUBLICAN REPRESENTATIVE - FL) Ric Keller (REPUBLICAN REPRESENTATIVE - FL) John Isakson (REPUBLICAN SENATOR - GA) Saxby Chambliss (REPUBLICAN SENATOR - CA) Jack Kingston (REPUBLICAN REPRESENTATIVE - GA) Michael Simpson (REPUBLICAN REPRESENTATIVE - ID) Butch Otter (REPUBLICAN REPRESENTATIVE - ID) Jerry Walker (REPUBLICAN REPRESENTATIVE - IL) Dan Burton (REPUBLICAN REPRESENTATIVE - IN) Charles Grassley (REPUBLICAN SENATOR - IA) BOB EHRLICH (REPUBLICAN GOVENOR- MD) Dave Camp (REPUBLICAN REPRESENTATIVE - MI) Gil Gutknecht (REPUBLICAN REPRESENTATIVE - MN) Christopher Bind (REPUBLICAN SENATOR- MO) Jim Talent (REPUBLICAN SENATOR- MO) Charles Pickering (REPUBLICAN REPRESENTATIVE - MS) Roger Wicker (REPUBLICAN REPRESENTATIVE - MS) Thad Cochran (REPUBLICAN SENATOR- MS) Dennis Rehberg (REPUBLICAN SENATOR- MT) Jon Christensen (REPUBLICAN REPRESENTATIVE - NE) John Ensign (REPUBLICAN REPRESENTATIVE - NV) Roger Wicker (REPUBLICAN REPRESENTATIVE - MS) Jim Saxton (REPUBLICAN REPRESENTATIVE - NJ) Frank LoBiondo (REPUBLICAN REPRESENTATIVE - NJ) Mike Ferguson (REPUBLICAN REPRESENTATIVE - NJ) Heather Wilson (REPUBLICAN REPRESENTATIVE - NM) Charles Taylor (REPUBLICAN REPRESENTATIVE - NC) Walter Jones (REPUBLICAN REPRESENTATIVE - NC) Jean Schmidt (REPUBLICAN REPRESENTATIVE - OH) Ralph Regula (REPUBLICAN REPRESENTATIVE - OH) Ernest Istook (REPUBLICAN REPRESENTATIVE - OK) James Inhofe (REPUBLICAN SENATOR- OK) Tom Coburn (REPUBLICAN REPRESENTATIVE - OK) Gordon Smith (REPUBLICAN SENATOR- OR) Arlen Specter (REPUBLICAN SENATOR- PA) Curt Weldon (REPUBLICAN REPRESENTATIVE - PA) Joe Pitts (REPUBLICAN REPRESENTATIVE - PA) John Thune (REPUBLICAN SENATOR - SD) Bill Janklow (REPUBLICAN REPRESENTATIVE - SD) Van Hilleary (REPUBLICAN REPRESENTATIVE - TN) Chris Cannon (REPUBLICAN SENATOR- UT) Eric Canter (REPUBLICAN REPRESENTATIVE - VA) Randy Forbes (REPUBLICAN REPRESENTATIVE - VA) George Allen (REPUBLICAN SENATOR- VA) Tom Davis (REPUBLICAN REPRESENTATIVE - VA) George Nethercutt (REPUBLICAN REPRESENTATIVE - WA) Doc Hastings (REPUBLICAN REPRESENTATIVE - WA) Dave Reichert (REPUBLICAN REPRESENTATIVE - WA) Mark Green (REPUBLICAN REPRESENTATIVE - WI) Paul Ryan (REPUBLICAN REPRESENTATIVE - WI) Shelly Moore Capito (REPUBLICAN REPRESENTATIVE - WV) Mike Enzi (REPUBLICAN SENATOR- WY) Barbara Cubin (REPUBLICAN REPRESENTATIVE - WY) Robert Riley (REPUBLICAN GOVENOR - AL) Marilyn Musgrave (REPUBLICAN REPRESENTATIVE- CO) Jim Nussle (REPUBLICAN REPRESENTATIVE - IA) Matt Blunt (REPUBLICAN GOVENTOR- MO) Roy Blunt (REPUBLICAN MAJORITY LEADER - MO) Jon Christensen (FORMER REPUBLICAN REPRESENTATIVE- NE) Jeb Bradley (REPUBLICAN REPRESENTATIVE - NH) John E Sununu (REPUBLICAN SENATOR - NH) Jean Schmidt (REPUBLICAN REPRESENTATIVE - OH) Joe Wilson(REPUBLICAN REPRESENTATIVE - SC) Gresham Barrett (REPUBLICAN REPRESENTATIVE - SC) Henry Brown (REPUBLICAN REPRESENTATIVE - SC) Convicted: 102 Republicans. 1 Democrat Indicted: 5 Republicans. 1 Democrats Confessed under grant of Immunity: 1 Republican. 0 Democrats. Under investigation: 21 Republicans. 1 Democrat. implicated: 75 Republicans. 0 Democrats Total: 204 Republicans. 3 Democrats."

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
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