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Life is Harmonious, One Moment at a Time
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Life is Harmonious, One Moment at a Time
6/5/2015 1:35:31 PM
The Daily Prayer 06.05.2015
Life is Harmonious, One Moment at a Time
Ardy Reed, RScP
I know there is One Magnficent Power in my Life whom I choose to call God. I also know that this One Magnificent Power is in the center of me, in the center of my affairs, and in the center of each and every moment!
And just as I know this for me, I also know this to be true for you!
In realizing this, I know all I have to do is surrender to the knowledge that this power is in the center of this moment. Any time I face the smallest disturbance (and the big ones too), all I need to do is recognize that this presence is in the very core of my being! As I do this, I know that everything unfolds precisely and exactly as it must be– perfectly, harmoniously, and honoring the highest good in every single situation! I also know this for you in every moment you encounter. I realize that as we acknowledge that this one magnificent power is in the center of all our affairs, everything unfolds in perfection! All of the worries, doubts, and fears slip to the side in the recognition of this inner light and power that each and everyone of us has!
I am so grateful for this magnificent power in you and in me! I give great thanks in the knowing that harmony and perfection unfold in every moment as we realize that this presence is in all our affairs!
I release and now that it is done and it is here right in this very moment!
And so it is!
Ardy Reed is a Practitioner at the Rio Grande Center for Spiritual Living, Albuquerque, NM 87107
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