The Best Stretches You Aren't Doingby Sárka-Jonae Miller See more articles by Sárka-Jonae Miller (The Best Years in Life) Stretching is boring. You don't need to do it. If you did, everyone would, right? This way of thinking is prevalent in society. While people lose range of motion and the ability to stand up straight, you have to wonder if stretching is really just for teens and athletes. Hint, it's not. But the average person doesn't need the flexibility of a contortionist, not unless you play to audition for a brothel scene in Game of Thrones. The average person does need to stretch certain areas of the body that often get tight in modern living. Tight muscles leads to changes in their length-tension relationship. To simply, your muscles at rest remain in a shortened position, thereby pulling their opposite muscles into a weak and lengthen position. Next thing you know, you're walking with a stoop and you cannot touch your toes. Read More.
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