
Devasish Gupta

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Deep Recovery From the Darkness of Addiction to Happiness & Freedom...
5/1/2015 5:02:09 PM
Deep Recovery is a project that I have been working on for over five years. It really reflects the core of my initial interest in brainwave entrainment technology, namely using this technology to provide a transformative and healing tool for those of us who are suffering from the deadly disease of alcoholism and addiction.

As those of you who are familiar with the Twelve Steps of Alcoholics Anonymous will know, Step Eleven says:

Sought through prayer and meditation to improve our conscious contact with God as we understood Him, praying only for knowledge of His will for us and the power to carry that out.

Deep Recovery | From the Darkness of Addiction to the Happiness & Freedom of Deep Recovery

Listen to the sample track:

So there it is – right in the source code of the modern recovery movement – “transformational meditation and prayer.” In traditional treatment, however, this has been one of the most neglected facets. But we’ve learned a thing or two since the Big Book of AA was written, and the powerful healing effects of meditation are currently bursting out all over in the popular press.

This is a deeply heartfelt project for me and it is my prayer and hope that these tracks will spread throughout the worldwide recovery community. Deep Recovery consists of two 33-minute tracks, the first of which has a guided meditation and visualization that I created, using my voice. The visualization lasts for approximately 12 minutes, and then you’re given time to sync into the meditation on your own. The second track is the same music and entrainment as the first but without the guided meditation. The music and entrainment were created by my colleague and dear friend Leigh Spusta of Deep Delta fame.

Here's a little bit of description about Deep Recovery:

Deep Recovery is meant to be part of a daily meditative practice, and generally we find that first thing in the morning is a good time to do this work. Later sessions can also be very helpful.

For example, if one starts to strongly crave alcohol or drugs around 5 p.m. every day, this would be an extraordinarily good time to use these tracks.

Daily use of Deep Recovery, as part of an ongoing meditation practice, will rapidly improve mindfulness, increase resilience to stress, aid in working through and releasing old traumas and outdated stories about ourselves and our world, and help to develop a deeper spiritual life and connection.

Key benefits of practicing Deep Recovery:

Deepen your spiritual life

Become much more resilient to stress

Alleviate cravings

Rebuild neurological health and chemical balance

Release traumas from the past and present

Cultivate a connection with your own wisdom voice (as opposed to the constant
demands of the addict voice)

Learn More, Listen to the sample track and Download the Full Version:

So, whether you are in recovery from alcoholism or addiction, or need to be, I think you will find these tracks very powerful and very useful in your transformative, daily practice.

I consider the release from craving and addiction to be an issue for everyone on some level. I've heard the teacher Adyashanti say "We are all Junkies" so as I worked with the tracks it was with the intention of truly releasing what doesn't serve me. I have been surprised with some physical side effects after the meditation such as twitching and involuntary body movements. I was struck immediately by the depths of the tracks and where they took me.

- Lise Beaulieu

God bless and godspeed.


John and the iAwake Team

P.S. Many of our alpha and beta testers have confirmed my suspicion that these tracks are not just for alcoholics and addicts but for all of us who are struggling with basically anything. My dear mother has used this track for years and has found it very useful in coping with chronic back pain!

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