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Carla Carey

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Re: Big Changes Coming at Adlandpro
2/1/2006 7:57:54 PM
HI DAVE, I am glad you clarified what is going on. I hadn't heard any discussion on this til tonight but I really appreciate you answering any questions in my mind. God bless! Carla
Glad to make your acquaintance! Carla Carey
Dennis Clairmont

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Re: Big Changes Coming at Adlandpro
2/1/2006 8:23:38 PM
Hi Dave I'm some glad you cleared that one up i tough i must of read the good news adlandpro email wrong.With all of this coufusion i'm thinking what did i miss in the message.Well i think the price is a great deal and what Bogdan has done already for free members is beyond the call of duty.Take DirectMatches you get in there you join as free in a month if you don't pay they will lock your messages instantly.I'll probly upgrade i know many can't afford to do that but i think this has to be done to keep Adlandpro running well and to pay to keep it running well.Lately i've noticed a few gliches with the adlandpro servers.We have been lucky so far not to have them out for days like some others.These cost must be met and i understand that very well.Great Forum Dave Tkx. Dennis
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Janise Collins

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Re: Big Changes Coming at Adlandpro
2/1/2006 9:05:42 PM
Dave, Thanks so much for the true "scoop". :) When you mention the fact about the free members utilizing only 'one forum' does that mean that they will not be able to create another one until they become a paid member? I agree with everything you have so stated about the changes being very minor... Be blessed my friend, Your friend, Classic Corners
Hope to meet you soon! Regards, Classic Corners
Lisa Westberry

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Re: Big Changes Coming at Adlandpro
2/2/2006 6:56:53 AM
Great, most Excellent Forum on the changes. I see things allot clearer now. I did not put up a fuss in the first place. I just roll with the flow. Thank you for all your hard work on explaining this. Your Friend,
Glo Williams

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Re: Big Changes Coming at Adlandpro
2/2/2006 7:13:47 AM
excellent ! Glo

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