I received this message yesterday and wanted to share it with you: Hello KenWe created Total TakeOver in the first place so that we could help as many people around the world as possible!After testing everything and talking with the leaders from around the world we have decided that in order for us to truly grow to our fullest potential and accomplish our original goal of helping people succeed online we need to lower the cost of the membership!The fact of the matter is there are tons of people who really want to change their financial situation that just can't afford the $89.95 to get started...With this being said, there are going to be a considerable amount of changes taking place over the next week or so that will absolutely explode our growth and ultimately your income!Make sure to plug into tonight's webinar to get the details!!!It starts at: 9:00 PM EST Here >>> http://TTOLive.comHave a Blessed day!!!~ Your Total TakeOver Family ~