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Luella May

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RE: Many Breast Tumors Detected on Mammograms are Harmless
3/2/2015 4:51:20 PM
Hi Mike, it was Myrna that posted that story. And I didn't comment on it because I don't know if it's just one of those emails that go around. But, from my experience, I really doubt that it is true. It might be under certain conditions.

First of all, antibiotics, even old time antibiotics, compromise the immune system, especially with prolonged use. For one, they wipe out all the beneficial bacteria in the digestive tract. And the modern antibiotics actually do harm. I am referring to fluoroquinolones. I have met one lady whose cancer was eliminated with the use of antibiotics but in her case, the cause of her cancer was fungus (and by the way, fungus is not always the cause, it can play a part, but it is not always the cause). So what this lady took was Diflucan which was actually an anti-fungal. So with regard to the story, my question would be was this girl's cancer caused by a fungus and what exactly did she take. But even then, in our Natural Anti-Cancer Protocol, we recommend colloidal silver. Colloidal silver kills all sorts of one-celled pathogens, including fungus. It is safe, there are no side effects, and it strengthens the immune system, instead of compromising it. Whenever I get any type of infection, I rely on colloidal silver. It is just as effective, even more, with no side effects. Colloidal silver is even effective against pathogens that are becoming resistant to antibiotics.

About over-the-counter drugs. They are just as unsafe as prescription drugs. We have been taught to believe that they are safe, but they too have side effects which can be just as dangerous as prescription drugs. Whenever dealing with any condition, it's best to do so naturally. But the thing is once you get on the prescription and over-the-counter bandwagon, you may not be able to use certain natural remedies because of the interaction.

Addressing cancer is really no simple thing. As a rule, no one thing will heal it. There are no miracle cures. You basically have to clean up the body's terrain through a proper and healthy diet and natural remedies that build up the immune system. Cancer enters the body through a weakened immune system. Lots of juicing, and liver cleanses are also important.

Hope this helps.
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