As I told Tony, there are toxins and harmful foods that make anxiety worse. Most articles address anxiety from a physical perspective/ And these things do play a part, the more often than not, anxiety and panic has an emotional source, and it is important that this be addressed. If the emotional aspect is not resolved, the condition will not go away.
She can still heal, although she has to address her fears and therapy may be necessary. Of course, it will take time, but healing can very well take place. I don't know if you listened to my show for the past two weeks and this is the exact subject I covered. Years ago, I suffered from debilitating anxiety and panic, due to emotional trauma.
If your sister is not on antidepressants and benzos, there is a supplement called Tranquilene that is excellent in treating anxiety. It has gaba, magnesium, i-theanine, and other beneficial minerals. You can just do a simple search and you will find it. Also, let me refer you to the following article that I wrote from a personal perspective. You will find other supplements that will also help, and it gives you an understanding of the condition. I do mention other supplements that will help but I have just found Tranquilene and, frankly, that alone should make a big difference. There is immediate relief, although it takes about four months to be fully effective. This doesn't make everything okay though. The emotional work needs to be done no matter what.
Also, diet is important, because unhealthy foods and toxins can contribute to the condition. She needs to eat a healthy, whole foods diet.
Hope this helps. Also, if you need any help, please feel free to give me a call.
Oh........... Here's the article: