Hi Ken, I believe that you know who I voted for. It always has been and always will be AdlandPro Community. I don't go to Facebook that Often, but when I do I seam to always get a message from someone telling me to stop tagging them. First, I don't even know who they are and on Facebook you can use all the abusive language that you want. Also, when you post something on Facebook you are lucky if anyone responds at all. I feel that the friends that I have on Adlandpro Community are real friends and not just cyber friends. Actually, if this makes any sense at all, I feel protected here, and seem to always have to watch my words on Face(Faceless)book. Also, it is a lot easier to upload pictures here. Playing games is not my idea of communicating with people. GOD BLESS YOU ~Mike~ http://www.countryvalues65.com/alienagenda I can also bring my friends in here