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Steven Suchar

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Re: 4 Keys to Internet Success
10/24/2008 11:02:37 PM
Thank You Mary :)

Mary Hofstetter

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Re: 4 Keys to Internet Success
10/25/2008 10:10:28 PM

You stopped in to show love and  respect?  How cool is that.  Now, come on by Steven and learn about how to be seen on the net.

Also I invite you to read this forum for a reality check.

Jim Allen

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RE: 4 Keys to Internet Success
9/25/2010 5:00:06 PM
All Still sound advice there Mary. Good to see you back in action.


John Olson teaching about the Four Keys to Success.

"I call this little tidbit, my four keys to making long term income online. It's not fancy, it's not flashy, it just works! Number

1 - You Have To Spend Money! I know we have been bombarded with free offer after free offer, but whether it's an investment of time, or an investment with money, you have to 'invest'. This is a business, and a business cannot grow without some capital. Plus, if you are investing in your future, it makes sense to invest in your business.

Number 2 - You Have To Meet New People! It's time to put the 'network' back into this business. Case in point, in any industry on the planet, your networking skills will help you build a solid foundation for your business. Go to the forums, go to the seminars (there's one tonight, details are above), invest in an offline conference, use the phone, just get in front of as many people as you can. It makes a difference!

Number 3 - You Must Have Patience! On the internet, we are told of instant riches, and success in 90 days or less. Forget about it. Remember, this is long term income we want here, not a quick fifty bucks. You must have patience with your online business. This is the only industry on the planet where success is 'demanded' in weeks and months, not years. It just cannot happen, most offline businesses take 2-4 years to turn a profit, it should be no different online. Take your time, there is no rush!

Number 4 - The Dirty 4 Letter Word...Work! I know, I know...The images of sitting back with your feet up, sleeping in until noon, drinking pina coladas on the beach....It's a myth! You must roll up your sleeves and put in work. Again, this is a business, it takes effort. Do not be scared of it, it's a very rewarding experience when you start to see returns for your hard work! Take those four points as you wish, all I ever write about is what I have experienced. These things have worked for me, and trust me, I'm not a 'special person'. I was flipping pizzas only 4 short years ago, working on minimum wage. I did not plan on getting rich overnight and I did not give up my day job until I was certain I could supplement it. The internet is a great way to earn a living...However, you have to earn it and that is what so many do not realize with an online business!

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you want to use this article in your own e-zine or newsletter, please do. Simply let your readers know that it was written by Jon Olson of


Mike Dillard of Magnetic Sponsoring teaches that it is wise to invest in education. He has great free videos and books that teach how to attract customers to your business.

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success

Mary Hofstetter

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RE: 4 Keys to Internet Success
9/26/2010 5:01:26 PM
Hi Jim, I can tell you understand. You are not hiding under a rock by showing up here now are you?
Rick Corliss

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Re: 4 Keys to Internet Success
9/30/2010 3:53:57 PM

A lot of the get rich quick gurus get you in, THEN gradualy give you the bad news, that is, "Son, you ain't workin' hard enuf"

Another (motivativational?) line if you fail to sponsor from one to 20 prospects in the prior week,"those of you who aren't doing anything but sitting on ur duffs......".

Yes, I am learning, it takes time.


Rick Corliss 706-680-2265 Success in 10 Steps

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