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Ken Wolff

1889 Posts
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Top 100 Poster
Person Of The Week
31,000 In 6 Days!
1/13/2015 12:00:28 AM
2015 Total Takeover

Hi ALP Friends,

31,000 members joined Total Takeover
in the first 6 days of pre-launch!
As of Saturday, January 24, 2015
91K in the company
1820 on our team!


Because it makes sense.

They came, they listened, they joined!

No cost, come see what it’s all about!

Fill out the form then Skype me at
ken.wolff1 and let’s get together.

Talk soon, have a great day,

Ken Wolff
Skype ID: ken.wolff1

Upline, Downline, and Sideline You are invited to post in this thread with your graphics and links.
We will help you build your downline it this awesome
fastest growing program on the Internet!

2015 Total Takeover
Ken Wolff

The Soaring Eagle Team
Ken Wolff

1889 Posts
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Top 100 Poster
Person Of The Week
RE: 31,000 In 6 Days!
1/13/2015 8:30:27 AM
Congratulations Ken,

GREAT JOB! Because of your efforts,
Christopher Longford has
just submitted their information on
your Total TakeOver capture page!

Our powerful follow-up system has already
sent them a personal WELCOME email from
YOU to let them know that you are there
to help them.

A quick call to introduce yourself could mean
the difference between gaining or losing a
member whose efforts could significantly
increase your organization's growth and YOUR

Here is your new guest's contact info:

Name: Christopher Longford
Email: ................
Phone: +............- (if available)

DON'T WAIT. Call them now, and make sure to
invite them to the next call or presentation!

Remember, a strong business is built on strong

Make sure Christopher knows you are
there to help.

Once again, GREAT WORK Ken!

It's leaders like you that make TTO one of
the fastest growing companies in the industry!

Keep up the GREAT WORK,

-YOUR Total TakeOver Support Team
This is totally awesome support....well I do not know yet what time zone Christopher is in but if he is in mine I don't think he would appreciate a call right now...It is after midnight and I still have lots of other work to do that is not going to get done. I am going to bed and will definitely follow up on this tomorrow.
Ken Wolff

The Soaring Eagle Team
Ken Wolff

1889 Posts
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Top 100 Poster
Person Of The Week
RE: 31,000 In 6 Days!
1/14/2015 3:05:10 AM

2015 Total Takeover

Latest Update 10:08:14 AM Thursday, January 15, 2015

Wow! I was offline most of the day working in the park and doing other things. While I was away 4 more people signed up for Total Takeover. One of them was our good friend and member here in Adlandpro
Angel Valenciano.

my referrals
Janet's Team
Janet's Team

Yesterday there had been over 31,000 members join. Today it is over 33,000.

Here is how this works. Click on the Banner at the top or bottom of this page. Watch the video and join TTO. Come back to this forum and click on New Response. Post a message with your thoughts, reactions and include your clickable graphics and website links that they give you when you sign up. We will work together as a team and build your downline to Infinity.

2015 Total Takeover

Ken Wolff

The Soaring Eagle Team
Ken Wolff

1889 Posts
Invite Me as a Friend
Top 100 Poster
Person Of The Week
RE: 31,000 In 6 Days!
1/16/2015 2:01:07 AM
2015 Total Takeover

This message was sent by Member: janetlegere on our system...:

40k People in our pre-launch Now!!!

We are growing like CRAZY!

All because of your efforts!!!

Way to go!

If you haven't been inviting people to
see the excitement that is taking place
here with Total TakeOver then you are
going to want to start!

Right now we are in our free pre-launch
phase which means you can build your
team as big as you want with no risk

Tonight, make sure to invite everyone
you know to our LIVE webinar where
you will get all the details about the
products the compensation plan and
more importantly our movement!

Our Next TTO Presentation

Date: January 14, 2015 (Wed.)

Time: 9:00 pm (e.s.t.)

Be there or be square!

- From the Entire TTO Support Team


1. We now have a co-op that will
guarantee you 1 paid sign up
during our paid launch.

You can find that co-op in your
back office in your "Guaranteed
Signups" page.

2. We also have a great support
facebook group that can answer
many of your support questions.

That FB group page link can be
found in your back office as well.

3. You can find a recording of one
of our last webinars in your back

4. If you are not using a Gmail
account for your email address
its highly recommended that you
do for better deliverability.

You can change that email in your
back office then save it.

Vision without action is merely a dream. Action without vision just passes the time. Vision with action can change the world - Joel A Barker

To join this 2015 Total Takeover click on the banner at the top or just below.

If you do not want to receive messages about this get in touch with me and let me know.
2015 Total Takeover

Ken Wolff

The Soaring Eagle Team
Ken Wolff

1889 Posts
Invite Me as a Friend
Top 100 Poster
Person Of The Week
RE: 31,000 In 6 Days!
1/16/2015 1:39:07 PM
An update from Janet:

an update from Janet

[5:02:03 AM] Janet Legere: this is only my personal team .. so if you have someone in your team that is excelling remember to recognize them here
[5:02:41 AM] Janet Legere: If your name is not on this list ... follow the steps to advertise your TTO site here and remember to send your teammates there too ...
[5:02:47 AM] Janet Legere: we have 10 days ...
Ken Wolff

The Soaring Eagle Team