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Re: Did You Know??? Congrat Cheryl Baxter! POTW!
2/6/2006 5:14:23 PM
Ha Cheryl, I see a base of knowledge to add my 2 cents. Shine some light on the huge difference one can make. It is the difference between every thing and nothing. Infinity a concept that is difficult to really grasp because it is after all infinite to oblivion and beyond. Here are some other symbols that you may not have known or really thought of before. I have a ability to see patterns and here are a few more on that dollar bill. This piece of paper has been left the same for a reason. The numbers are powerful and our collective belief in some of these thoughts keep us in bondage because we are not aware that the one is you. You actualy hold the secret of infinity. Igorance of your unrealized potential are all that keep you from being equal to anything you can comprehend or belive in.Who is the bearer of your knowledge ? First thing that I really noticed for the first time was some math that makes some sense. What is the world around us made of. A combination of Four elements most have heard of Air,Fire,Earth,Water These symbols are present on both sides of the bill. As these elements are required for creation and unification of masculine and feminine energy create infinity. I can express this mathematically as. 1+1+1+1 in each corner on the front side of the bill represent the elements of the male air,fire,earth,water relate this to simple math adding. Each numeral also represents a dual meaning can also be seen as being the corners of the powerful 4 sided pyramid. The pyramid symbolizes the potential to create infinity expressed mathematically as trigonometry and geometry. The reason the numerals are of different sizes creates the number 8 when algebraically summed to it's mate moves the eight 90 degrees becomes the infinite symbol. 90 degrees is the distance provided when the 4 basic elements are combined with the difference between each corner of the pyramid. Two infinite symbols on each side of the note are the male gonads. When you combine the two seals on the front this is a third infinite symbol that represents the penis a sum of 3. just so happens that the symbol for the male gender is a circle and an arrow 3 lines. this is also the astrological symbol for the planet mars . Did you know there are 12 Federal Reserve Districts in the nation. Held in a union by the green treasury seal which added to 12 districts equals 13. 13 itself is powerful but is only half of infinity 1+3 is four one half of eight. It is impossible for the male to create without the help of the other half provided by the other side of the note a female the opposite force needed to create infinity. On reverse we have again the numerals 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 representing the 4 elements of feminine gender and 4 corners of the pyramid which added together are 8. Notice that the word one is imposed over the numeral one creating a cross with 4 points added to its mate is 8. The word one appears two more times symmetrically opposed the largest one is in the exact center of the back a smaller one below it. The sum of the words one on the reverse is 6. six is the number for the planet Venus is said to vibrate at in opposition to the male Mars that vibrates at 9. Turn the numeral 180 degrees or 1/2 and a six is a nine. Nine becomes six in infinity. If you add six and nine you get 15 add again you get six. add the trinity 3 mother father child you have nine add the four corners of the pyramid we have 13 that when added to the male 13 is 26 added together create 8 rotated by the 90 egress of the pyramid become infinite in this symmetry that exists between opposing forces half way in between we find that divinity and infinity exist between all things always. the infinity point begins with one. You the opposite that creates something from nothing when added together create a difference that is divinity. A simple predictable cycle of ourselves repeated forever. Because that is the simplest way to create through repeating this universal code that is the flow of life death and infinity that exist between two opposing forces. Peace, Love, Liberty Kris

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Re: Did You Know??? Congrat Cheryl Baxter! POTW!
2/6/2006 7:48:33 PM
My Dear Friend.....! Thank you for your invitation. I got an opportunity to learn something interesting today. Thanking you, once again. With lots of Love, Affection, Respect and Prayers. Your Ever Loving Friend, Mohamed Khadar Gani.
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Re: Did You Know??? Congrat Cheryl Baxter! POTW!
2/6/2006 8:04:11 PM
Hi Kris, Can you repeat that please? Just kidding! WOW, that was quite an explanation of these symbols - you are right, I never thought about it in this way. Quite interesting to say the least. Thanks for sharing your knowledge! :-) Take care, Cheryl "browse our current properties" "check out our real estate blog" "online bibles, books, music, more"
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Re: Did You Know??? Congrat Cheryl Baxter! POTW!
2/6/2006 8:06:24 PM
Thanks for coming by Mohamed, You are someone who loves interesting facts, & I'm glad that you enjoyed it. Blessings to you! :-) Cheryl "browse our current properties" "check out our real estate blog" "online bibles, books, music, more"

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