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Ken Wolff

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RE: How Do You Help A New Referral Here In Adlandpro
1/13/2015 12:23:29 AM

Thanks for posting this for new and lifer community members :D I will refer folks who need help to this forum.

Thanks Jan! Great to see you here again. There are others who are very successful at attracting people to this great community. I do hope that they will join us and share their strategies for success. I do know that the best way to keep new members active is to communicate with them and develop a relationship. A lot of it has to come from self motivation. We can't do it for them but we sure are glad to help in any way that we can. If we don't have the answer we can work together to come up with a solution to just about anything.

To everyone's success,


Ken Wolff

The Soaring Eagle Team