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Re: Cowboy And Cowgirl
1/28/2006 8:39:24 AM
Dear Craftie, Good joke, heard a similar one about a fireman not having enough hose.
Shannon Bolin
skype: shanbol
William Oestreich

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Re: Cowboy And Cowgirl
1/28/2006 8:43:39 AM
Good Morning Cowgirl Great little note for today. Have you had a chance to review the email imfo?? Dear Sir/madam By accessing our server, you will be supplied with a list of potential members that have expressed interest in our programs. Our goal is to provide outstanding long term career opportunities to our associates in a flexible work at home environment. Our associates strive to provide maximum savings and premier services for our Dental and Prescription members. As a result of this unique career opportunity, our Enrollment Specialists are able to enjoy their personal family life and at the same time enjoy a career filled with the knowledge and gratification that they personally have helped so many individuals, families, and seniors across the country to save precious dollars on their costly prescription and dental needs This is a sample of the material that is provided for the team. Thanks for considering this very rewarding venture please insert in subject line(send more info) NHCD will be here for you
William Oestreich
Manuel Davis

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Re: Cowboy And Cowgirl
1/28/2006 9:15:25 AM
Good Morning DutchPenny, That was a darn good one just rioght for a saterday morning...Keep up the good work sugah, you always bring a smile to my face. Sincerely, Manuel D.
Ron Stouder

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Re: Cowboy And Cowgirl
1/28/2006 11:19:24 AM
Hi Linda, another good one, but we all need to keep our knots tied. Ron S.
Ron Stouder
Jim Coleman

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Re: Cowboy And Cowgirl
1/28/2006 1:58:45 PM
As always, another good one Linda. Thank you.

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