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God is In Everyone
10/1/2014 1:46:44 PM

The Daily Prayer 10.01.2014

“God is In Everyone”

Nancy Bowers, RScP

Nancy Bowers, RScP -- God Is In Everyone

God is. Even when going unnoticed, God is there, for that one presence is everywhere, in the lightning storms, in the fall leaves changing color. In both the baby’s cry and his laugh; in the rainbows and the storm clouds, God is present. The highest God and the innermost God are the same God, and that God is ever changeless, constantly emanating complete Love and Peace, bathing Its children in the constant presence of that Love and Peace, residing as that indwelling presence always within each and every being. God is Giving and Kind and Generous and surrounds Its children with this Generous, Giving Nature as It is Ever Present and residing as that Giving Nature in everything and in everyone.

And recognizing this Truth about Spirit, I recognize that what is true of God is true of me. The highest God and the innermost God are the same God and that God dwells within me. It beats my heart, breathes my lungs and surrounds me constantly with Its constant Love. I am living God’s life and cannot escape its presence for anywhere I am, God is. I live and breathe and have my being in God. I feel Its constant presence within me and I know the Loving, Giving, Peaceful Nature of God dwells within me. But I am not special in this regard, for God discriminates against no one. What is true of me, is true of you. The one God resides within you. It is the truth of your being. It is the essence of who you really are.

And knowing this, I allow the Spirit of God that lives in me to govern every aspect of my Life. I joyously revel in the light that surrounds me always. I live and breathe and have my being in the Perfect Light of God that protects me perfectly, knowing that I can never be alone in this: each and every person on the planet, no matter what faith, no matter what nationality, no matter what their beliefs, even those whom I might consider misguided, all these people live and breathe and have their being in God. The innermost God that swells in me dwells in everyone. It is the same God loving Its children no matter what path they may be on, even if they do not yet know that it is God they are seeking. God abandons no one, and loves each of Its children with a love so pure and complete that to know that love is to be in the presence of all that is Good and Fine and Holy. God who is everywhere present, adores all Its children and is the heart and soul of all of them, without exception, beating each and every heart, breathing each and every sets if lungs, cherishing with pure abandon the preciousness of every one of Its creations, no matter what the faith, no matter what the belief, for God cannot forsake Itself, and indwells within us all.

I give thanks for the knowing of God’s precious Love for each of Its children, knowing the certainty of that precious Love and the recognition of the indwelling God present within all my brothers and sisters. I am so grateful to have God as my constant companion. I am grateful to know the perfection of God’s being that is always there with me and residing within each and every person I encounter. I allow this God-Presence to permeate my being as I speak these words into the Law and recognize the fullness of God wherever I go. I see the presence of God continuously and marvel tenderly at the same shapes and forms of God. I declare this knowing is mine and is with me always forevermore. With a grateful heart, I declare it done. And So It Is! Amen!

Nancy Bowers is a Practitioner at the Rio Grande Center For Spiritual Living, Albuquerque, NM 87107

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