Start Principle Quiz... Did you take the Star Principle quiz at the link above? If you did, and you're discouraged by your score, take heart... Most companies will not "ring the bell" on the Star Report quiz. As Richard Koch, the genius behind The Star Principle, explains in the book of the same name, only 25% of start ups are niche leaders and only 20% of those are growing fast enough to be called "stars". That means only 5% qualify as true stars right from the beginning. However, if your business doesn't "ring the bell" it doesn't mean you should bail on your business and go hunting for another. Plenty of non-Star business can provide comfortable revenue for years to come. But, if your company does not ring the bell, you SHOULD be hyper-alert to ways make your business more Star-like. Your score should inform how you prioritize your objectives. According to Richard, there are Four Systems or Formulas, that every business must have in place to move in the direction of "Star". So, take the Star Principle quiz and then ask yourself: 1. Does my business have a Customer Attraction Formula? Do I have a reliable way to get ever-increasing volumes of profitable business? 2. Does my business have a Commercial Formula? Do my costs and prices LOCK IN fat margins? Do I know them cold? 3. Does my business have a Delivery Formula? Do I have a "machine" for delivering increasing quantities of high-quality product/service? 4. Does my business have an Innovation Formula? Do I have a way to make innovation and improvement routine? Which of the four is most lacking in your business? What can you do NOW to construct or bolster that system? That's your $10,000/hour work for this week. And on September 28-30, Richard Koch will be in Chicago to deliver his insight into 80/20 and The Star Principle to a very select group of entrepreneurs. This will be one hundred thousand dollar/hour, possibly even one million dollar/hour work, for some attendees. It's by application only, apply here: