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Re: Fifteen Minutes of Fame
1/26/2006 9:02:18 PM
HI Dave, Thanks for your response. Dogs are so awesome, they love us unconditionally forever. God Bless, Marilyn
Marilyn L Martin
"The ALP & TGAMM Couple"
"Rick & Marilyn Martin...Married 11/17/06"
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Re: Fifteen Minutes of Fame
1/26/2006 9:12:03 PM
HI John, Ohhhhh, you had a Yorkie too! They are the sweetest dogs, and they are so darn can't help not to love them. Read what I wrote to Deborah about my Yorkies. My Dad was a veteranian assistant so I have seen and been around all kinds of dogs, and other animals for that matter. But of all the different dogs that I have been around, I can't think of a more lovable, or a more friendly dog than a Yorkie. Plus, they are great with kids as well. My last Yorkie was one of the best watch dogs, he would hear everything and would growl when someone was around outside that shouldn't be!! He was amazing! Thanks for sharing your story! Marilyn
Marilyn L Martin
"The ALP & TGAMM Couple"
"Rick & Marilyn Martin...Married 11/17/06"
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Re: Fifteen Minutes of Fame
1/26/2006 9:29:31 PM
Hi again Marilyn, I read your note to Deborah. I believe you about the dog smiling, they have so much personality and they are very smart. I used to tell Lacy (that was the dogs name)that one of the kids was misbehaving and she would go right up to that kid and start barking at him or her. She always got it right. We had four kids and she new each one by name. I would also tell her at night time that it is was time for the kids to go to bed and she would chase them all to their bedrooms barking. She was too funny, she seemed to know what I was saying. I don't know if it was the tone of my voice or the gestures I used but she seemed to understand. She was quite a dog. John Sanchez My Blogs
Re: Fifteen Minutes of Fame
1/26/2006 9:41:07 PM
Hi Marilyn, Boy I guess we all can relate to this. We have 3 dogs, we did have 4 a few years ago, but had to put our White Shepard down, she was very ill. Now we are left with 2 Dalmations, 1 male & 1 female, & 1 is a cross between the White Shepard & the Dalmation. When she was born & she was laying down, she would curl up into a ball, & all that you could see of her was the Dalmation part on her stomach, & feet, & the rest was Black. She looked just like an Oreo Cookie. As you can probably guess, that is what we named her, Oreo!! Our Dogs also greet us like we have been gone for months, when in reality it is just a few minutes. Sometimes I could swear that any minute the will start talking to us.!!! Your Friend, Sweetgrame :-)
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Re: Fifteen Minutes of Fame
1/26/2006 11:24:00 PM
HI John, Dogs are alot smarter than many people give them credit for. My Dad loved German Shepherds and he used to train them for attack dogs. Anyway, we always had a GS at home, but the one he had before he passed away name was April. She was so smart and she loved my Dad to death. My Dad would ask her if she wanted a hotdog, and she knew what he was talking about! She would go crazy when he asked her. He would then ask her where the hoydogs were, and she would go straight to the refrigerator and stand there barking and going nuts until my Dad would get up and get her a hotdog out of the frig. That was her favorite treat! Thanks for sharing your story! Marilyn
Marilyn L Martin
"The ALP & TGAMM Couple"
"Rick & Marilyn Martin...Married 11/17/06"
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