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Diane Bjorling

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Helping affiliates with a presentation
7/13/2014 7:20:05 PM
Happy Sunday everyone!

I had made a suggestion the other day about using a SlideShare that has been done on Bogdan's SlideShare account

As many of you might realize by now, I am the one who loves doing these kinds of things for Bogdan as I am like many of you...I want people to see the value of Adlandpro in many ways and no I am not an affiliate..but I do help in other ways.

Bogdan is so busy doing many things for this site and all of you that for him to find the time to do these kinds of things...well lets just say..he would never sleep!

Anyways to make a long story short <snerk>, a slideshare had been done on "Advertising on Adlandpro" I created it on Google drive as I am very familiar and comfortable using this medium.
There are two ways at this time I can suggest that this one Slideshare can be used
1. ( I had mentioned this before) the presentation from slideshare and create a post with a call to action for people to join

2. I have gone back to the "Drive and have added a couple of slides" that should be workable for all the affiliates who wish to use this.
All the links on that presentation by the way..are generic and now can be changed

This is where it gets a bit complex..maybe

The only way I can really get this to you all is by adding you (sharing) this presentation with you and you can a) edit the links and then download as a PDF or Microsoft Powerpoint.
If you have the pro version for the PDF then you can just download and edit the links that way. If you download as a should be able to do the same thing.

All I ask is that you do not change the design as I have to say I spent a long time getting this so that it would be (good?)
Please let me know if you want me to share with this group is public, putting in your email address here would not be send me a message.

I have put the original slideShare here and at the bottom are the two slides I have added..please let me know what you think

Ken Wolff

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RE: Helping affiliates with a presentation
7/15/2014 12:38:17 AM
Thank you so much for this Diane!

I followed your instructions as best I could. I downloaded the presentation but ran into a problem when it came to editing the link location. I guess you have to have a pro level account to do that.

I posted an Adlandpro banner and the graphics you shared on my profile page in Click Track Profit.
Most of my friends that have come to Adlandpro came from that great program.

Click Here to see my profile in CTP. You may have to scroll down a bit to click on the "ARE YOU READY? to Join?" clickable graphic. That graphic leads to the generic landing page that we are given to use as an affiliate. If I do not have very many referral I think it is because of that page. Click here to see it. I am not sure if the people I share it with see the same thing I do when they click on my links but it certainly does not grab my attention. No where on that page do I see a click here to join button, or capture box for them to put their name and their best email address. Some of my friends do find a way to join and I am glad to have them hear.

I would much rather that they quickly find a form like this:

fill in the blanks to join
Your Sponsor is Ken Wolff
email address: here2serveU@best(dot)com

There are 36,777 custom pages used by affiliates in Adlandpro. I have not figured out yet how to add one. But then again I have looked at a lot of them and have not found one I like.

Sorry if I sound so negative about this. That is not like me. I would love to hear from others who do like what they see and I am open to be impressed.

Thanks again for sharing Diane.


Ken Wolff

The Soaring Eagle Team
Diane Bjorling

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RE: Helping affiliates with a presentation
7/15/2014 12:49:06 AM
Remember Ken, you can download the SlideShare, but you wont be able to edit anything.

If you want a copy of the slides..which you can turn into a PDF or your own slideshare..then I will give you the copy..but I need a proper email address.
I have everything on Google Drive and you cant access it without my permission..

you can also create your own extra slide if you wish..its not hard to do

Let me know...send me an inmail if you want a copy of the slides
Ken Wolff

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RE: Helping affiliates with a presentation
7/15/2014 1:06:28 AM
Thanks Diane! I do and I will. ;-)
Ken Wolff

The Soaring Eagle Team
Ken Wolff

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RE: Helping affiliates with a presentation
7/19/2014 8:15:25 AM
Just tried to update my page and got this message:

Custom AdlandPro Url:
Link you entered is a valid AdlandPro Custom Page, but the page is referencing a user different than you. Please, update your

Ken Wolff

The Soaring Eagle Team