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Bogdan Fiedur

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7/7/2014 3:15:20 PM
Great insight Bogdan,
You state:
So in essence we are all moving in the direction of total control. Communism and fascism were only kindergarten games in comparison what awaits us.

Do you see any relief?
I have been an optimist my whole life and see some movement to sanity in even younger aged people, especially those who are NOT drinking the Kool-Aid offered at so many Universities

Hi Chuck,

If I see any relief?

For many people the world they are in is the only world they know. The life will still continue and people will consider things as normal what we consider as a loss. Staying positive is the only way to find relief no matter what times and circumstances.

The elites will play their games and the best is to not get involved into them while majority of population will continue playing them.

The best is to assume that anything you hear propagated by main stream media is a lie or even better stop listening to them. They have nothing of value to learn from them. Their purpose is to take control over your mind so you can be used for the agenda of elites.

It is much easier to be an optimist if you concentrate on things you can control. You need to accept the fact that total invigilation will be the norm and that nothing you see on he news is true. The ideals about freedom, democracy are just the means of elites to give you perception that you are in control, but this can't be further from the truth.
At best you are only in control of your own thoughts, and this is where you can make the difference. Create your own world and live in it.

Jim Allen

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7/7/2014 4:59:22 PM
Hello Bogdan and Chuck,

Thanks for such great input Bogdan. I do agree it looks quite hopeless as far as slowing down the train and stopping it. As compared to a sudden crash and all will change for the worse for awhile. At that point something will rise in its stead. The collateral damage has already begun at a more rapid pace these as the information and technology ages are colliding head on. Regular news is pretty much state orientated and news is all a blur online by the propagandists, news folks, and the people's reactions instantaneously.

Then you have all the bloggers that are true activists trying to get a message out and those glomming onto the trend for profit ie: HUFFPO and Politico and so on. Personally I am liking OneAmerica News and AljazeeraUSA at the moment.

This is why I like Ben Carson's refreshing perspective a pulling back of the curtain approach similar to what JFK was speaking of before he was ended in Dallas. His comments on the "right thinking political correctness" has gone too far as it is trying to quell thoughts and open discussions of important issues. People are offend by so many things they are creating a new playbook as we speak. It's okay to talk about this if you do so in a way I support. Otherwise shutup I don't want you to be seen or heard. It's crazy!

Chuck. there is hope buddy I do believe it is sprouting as you say among our young. I am speaking of those 15-25 year olds. Many of them are more in tune than you think and they use these "social media" apparatus and communicate while playing games, watching tv or simply hanging out in places and ways we haven't heard of.

Yes, they are talking about the current events in a very unique way. Because they are color and lifestyle blind they're friends and confidants to one another and have the values and morals to do the right thing. They have tuned out from the mainstream and are a very strong and growing energy source for our future. When they begin to show up and participate the "Progressive Movement and Agenda" are in trouble because if the facts no longer support current arguments they aren't facts and this really bothers this group. I am fortunate to have 3 sons born a decade apart so I have a good line to this group I believe.

It's a new week and time for some new fires I bet.

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
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Jim Allen

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Obama’s America? DOJ Investigating ‘Racist’ Obama Zombie Float
7/15/2014 2:05:07 AM
Unbelieveable the "The Terrorists have Won!" per Matt Welch on "The Independents" today

Obama’s America? DOJ Investigating ‘Racist’ Obama Zombie Float

Only in Obama’s America would a parade float representing political satire warrant an investigation from the Department of Justice and outrage from the NAACP, but that’s exactly what’s happening.

On Independence Day of this year, a local farmer in Nebraska drove his float, which was anouthouse with a zombie in front of it bearing the words “Obama Presidential Library,” in his town’s parade and drew the ire of the Nebraska Democratic Party. Their response was that the float was among the “worst shows of racism and disrespect for the office of the presidency that Nebraska has ever seen.”

Obama’s America? DOJ Investigating ‘Racist’ Obama Zombie Float

When the NDP got involved, it drew the attention of the NAACP, who then lodged a complaintwith Obama’s Justice Department. The DOJ then contacted the town’s mayor and demanded a meeting with her and city administrators prior to meeting with representative of the NAACP and parade organizers.

The reason for all involved parties to come together for a meeting? So that they could draft a “plan to reevaluate the policies for what is allowed in the parade.”

Obama’s America? DOJ Investigating ‘Racist’ Obama Zombie Float

“The State Area NAACP has received numerous concerns and inquiries about this issue, and appreciate Mayor Fuchtman and the parade officials’ willingness to have open dialog (sic) and address these concerns,” the group said.

Oddly enough, those who actually bothered to ask the creator of the float what the meaning behind it was, found that the zombie was intended to represent himself. However this doesn’t seem to matter to the DOJ, who’s more concerned with stifling free speech than they are upholding the law.

“The DOJ apparently told the city it had received concerns, including from the NAACP, regarding the float,” KMTV reported.

Those “concerns” haven’t been identified yet. However, since there was no criminal wrongdoing or malicious activity, we can assume what the real problem is – the fact that anybody dared make fun of our dearest leader in such a public manner, and anybody who does so will be immediately identified as “racist” and publicly shamed.

Where were all of these people when Bush was hanged in effigy, photo shopped to look like Satan, etc.?

Their silence was deafening then.

Perhaps the DOJ’s time would be better spent investigating the IRS scandal, or any of the other numerous issues that have plagued this administration, instead of investigating peaceful Americans.

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
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Jim Allen

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A third term???!: will the 22nd Amendment save us? (Part 1)
7/15/2014 12:46:31 PM
July 14, 2014
A third term: will the 22nd Amendment save us? (Part 1)
By Wes Vernon

NOTE: Prior to the 2012 election, this column ran a series raising the question as to whether that election would be our last free one. Then, as now, we were (and are) witnessing what is known as the Cloward & Piven strategy: the political manipulation of the "masses" by chaos, simultaneously coming from the top (Oval Office, for example) and the bottom (the likes Occupy Wall Street, as the second ingredient.)

The resulting disruption, with the masses getting squeezed in the middle, ultimately leads to the downfall of government, paving the way for a dictatorship.

Launched in 1966 by the married Columbia University sociologists Richard Cloward and Frances Fox Piven, the rationale for this was to precipitate crisis in order to replace the welfare system with a guaranteed annual income.

Left out of the explanation (for public consumption) is that a society of act-alike, do-alike, and think-alike would lead to increased government power – ergo a clear path to tyranny.

Nearly two years post 2012

As I write this in the summer of 2014, the C&P strategy is working like a charm (using that term in a loosely framed manner).

The lead story in most news reports for several days has been the flooding over our under-protected southern borders of an estimated 50,000-90,000 illegal aliens (I refuse to use the dishonest term "undocumented immigrants"), some reportedly carrying serious diseases (possibly one reason the president refused to visit the border while in Texas for his real priority: fund-raising. He says he does not go for photo-ops. One can understand why he would not want to subject himself to the risk of shaking hands with someone with a communicable disease. Why then, does he appear only too willing to send them into our midst? (Just asking.)

He also can still use the pressure of this invasion to scare Congress into passing his Import Democrats legislation.

Question: But, Mr. President, what if it turns out to be an Import Terrorists bill?

Go away kid, 'ya bother me

Members of the U.S. armed forces stationed in war zones are getting pink slips while on duty. Just another day at the office as our Commander-in-Chief seeks to cut the guts out of our military readiness. Meanwhile the bad guys worldwide plot our destruction. (Checked out Iran lately?)

A member of Congress says he is filing a resolution directing the House Sergeant at Arms to arrest the former IRS Director of Exempt Organizations Lois Lerner, possibly to be jailed on the charge of contempt of Congress. Ms. Lerner took the Fifth on whether she illegally targeted taxpayers who did not agree with her leftist politics. She also tried to target Senator Chuck Grassley with an audit for reasons both petty and silly. Hate to use the hackneyed term, but Senator Grassley is about as "squeaky clean" as they come.

Efforts to impeach Attorney General Eric Holder are gaining traction for his failure to launch a serious probe into this and other scandals. There are also several inquiries underway aimed at filing Articles of impeachment against the president himself. Different approaches toward that end are backed by (among others) Rep. Steve Stockman (R-Texas), former Rep. Allen West (R-Fla.), Sarah Palin, and (very actively) the leadership of this website; House Speaker John Boehner meanwhile announced he is suing the president for his illegal power grabs.

Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-S.C.) – a brilliant former prosecutor – heads a new panel which is laying the groundwork for (finally) blowing the lid off the Benghazi cover-up where four Americans were killed in a terrorist attack, and the then-Secretary of State intoned "What difference at this point does it make?" Hillary's slogan for 2016? Just asking.

And an author has just released a book entitled The Murder of the Middle Class (that will bring about the long-overdue rattling of more than a few cages).

Gee, is that all?

Oh, no, that's not all. There are many more examples of the chaos that follows when a "post-partisan" presidential candidate turns out to be the most partisan chief executive ever.


The 24-hour news cycle of the 21st century can have a dizzying effect. Though it is a blessing, there are some unintended consequences. One of them is it plays into the hands of the Cloward/Piven strategists.

In their collective minds, Americans can try to organize the chaos. Freedom enablers on every level could go for the big picture, list President Obama's so-called "phony scandals," and treat them as one big convoluted, well-thought-out scenario, which they appear to be. And there is more .....Later.

© Wes Vernon

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
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Jim Allen

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Benjamin Fulford Update: Bush Dead Rumor Goes Viral!
7/15/2014 11:12:29 PM

Benjamin Fulford Update: Bush Dead Rumor Goes Viral!

(Before It's News)

The newly released video report on the latest update from Benjamin Fulford shares some shockers including that investigations are ‘zeroing in’ on Bush and Netanyahu BUT does nothing to confirm the rumor (that is now viral and most probably a hoax!) that President George H. W. Bush is now dead.

With Fulford allegedly starting this rumor that he said will most likely be confirmed within a week and absolutely NO PROOF to back up his rumor emerging at the present moment, is EVERYTHING that Fulford reports also ‘untrue’ and/or complete garbage or is George Bush REALLY dead? If Bush really IS DEAD, that surely gives everything that Fulford has been telling us much more credibility than we had previously thought…

Sign up for Live Free or Die and Susan Duclos’ News Letter for all of our latest Before It’s News stories delivered once a day!

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
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