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Jim Allen

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This is what happens when you have lawyers
6/7/2014 12:07:41 AM
This should be under "The Case Against Barack Obama" but I wanted to take a pulse too. I want USA residents especially to please answer the poll question.

Is this the change you wanted and expected from this administration?

Please choose your answer and also comment with a new post with your thoughts and feelings, after considering all the scandals, and what he has actually done is trying to do after reading this. My friend Maureen is a very good source for real news and her sources are usually right on target.

Is this the change you wanted and expected from this administration?
Please choose your answer and also comment with a new post with your thoughts and feelings, after considering all the scandals, and what he has actually done is trying to do after reading this.
I am completely flabbergsted he has let me down so much. - (0)
Yes - (0)
I am a sponge and soak up everything Obama. He is my idol. - (0)
No - (0)
Well sort of - (0)
Nothing at all as I envisioned - (0)
Are you serious? He has fundamentally Changed America as he has promised. He is now working on his legacy and nobody is stopping him. - (1)
I am a mushroom - (0)
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Total Votes: 1

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Obama’s Plan: Hire More Progressive Latinos

June 6, 2014


Latinos are the fastest growing demographic in the United States and they are a key voting bloc, in no small part due to the illegal immigration from south of the border. Illegal immigrants are very influential in shaping our values and our elections. There is a big push now to make them more influential in every area of our government.

As soon as they come across the border, the leftists in open border’s groups like ACORN and La Raza recruit them. They are encouraged to get on government entitlements and then rally for the Democrats who supply them. Entitlements are what grows the Progressive state and Progressives tell the new immigrants that this is why they should come to the United States and it is their due.

Latinos are led to believe that Republicans don’t like them.

Earlier this week, Latino leaders met with Mr. Obama to encourage him to “hire more Latinos” in government so they can shape the elections, Politico reported Friday. That isn’t a problem per se, but what is a problem is that it is a push is for Progressive Latino leaders with communist and socialist values. It is also divisive. The more we delve into multiculturalism, the less united as Americans we become.

It has never been about Latinos, it’s been about Progressive Latinos all along. Republicans need to start differentiating.

Whenever the leftist groups clamor for something, it coincidentally coincides with the president’s latest political agenda.

The push to “hire more Latinos” is really a push to “hire more Progressive Latinos.”

The Progressives aren’t looking for Susanna Martinez, Marco Rubio or Raúl Labrador. They want leftists who love the welfare state. It’s necessary for the completion of our fundamental transformation.

Latino activists hope to create an intricate network of Progressive Latinos across D.C., on the hill, on K street and in all federal agencies so they can in turn push the leftist agenda which can only push further left as time goes by.

Republicans are pushing for the Latino vote also but they are considering amnesty as a way to win over Latinos. The idea of amnesty without border control and a program of assimilation in our values will give the leftists exactly what they want – a permanent Progressive majority.

Republicans want illegal immigration for the cheap labor. They want a massive guest worker program despite U.S. unemployment numbers. The price they will make us pay for it is very high.

Despite the incompetence and dictatorial nature of the current administration, Republicans are actually considering amnesty with meaningless limitations.

“I believe there is a path that we get a bill on the floor by August,” Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers said, according to the Spokesman-Review. “We’re going to have to push that this is a legal status, not amnesty,” she said.

Legal status is amnesty and if McMorris-Rodgers thinks it isn’t, she is ill-advised. Legal status eliminates illegal immigration in principle.

As soon as amnesty is mentioned, more illegal immigrants pour across our borders and they jump visas. That’s not a coincidence.

Every amnesty plan has been backwards. Republicans have fallen right in line with Democrats and put enforcement and assimilation at the back of the line instead of the illegal immigrants.

We need patriotic assimilation not brainwashed people who have been corralled by Progressives.

We need more enforcement. Mr. Obama continually says we have a broken immigration system. We don’t. We have immigration laws that are not being enforced.

Once we have that, talk of legal status makes sense.

This nonsense of coming out of the shadows is another ruse. They are already out of the shadows. They really aren’t being deported and that’s a fact. Our president is releasing tens of thousands of illegal criminals onto the streets each year. They are his constituents after all. He doesn’t care about our welfare, he cares about Marxism.

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success

Jim Allen

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Incompetence seems to work in favor of 0bama again
6/14/2014 12:10:16 AM
Incompetence seems to work in favor of 0bama again...

IRS says it lost 2 yrs of Lois Lerner’s emails during targeting of tea party

The Internal Revenue Service claims it has lost two years of former employee Lois Lerner‘s emails.

According to House Ways and Means Committee ChairmanDave Camp, R-Mich., the IRS lost the emails from a period of January ’09 – April ’11 due to a “supposed computer crash.”

“The fact that I am just learning about this, over a year into the investigation, is completely unacceptable and now calls into question the credibility of the IRS’s response to Congressional inquiries,” Camp said in a statement obtained by BizPac Review. “There needs to be an immediate investigation and forensic audit by Department of Justice as well as the Inspector General.”

Popular Florida eatery tells vet
‘his kind’ not welcome; backlash follows

Camp called on the White House to get involved in search of any emails to or from Lois Lerner.

The release further stated:

“Just a short time ago, Commissioner Koskinen promised to produce all Lerner documents. It appears now that was an empty promise. Frankly, these are the critical years of the targeting of conservative groups that could explain who knew what when, and what, if any, coordination there was between agencies. Instead, because of this loss of documents, we are conveniently left to believe that Lois Lerner acted alone.

This failure of the IRS requires the White House, which promised to get to the bottom of this, to do an Administration-wide search and production of any emails to or from Lois Lerner. The Administration has repeatedly referred us back to the IRS for production of materials. It is clear that is wholly insufficient when it comes to determining the full scope of the violation of taxpayer rights.”

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
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Jim Allen

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RE: Poll for USA Residents but All feel free to share your thoughts
6/16/2014 9:43:50 PM


Democrats orchestrate radical shift in foreign policy

Barack Obama has integrated promotions of homosexuality and other alternative lifestyle choices into his policy and practice since his election, successfully promoting the “gay” lifestyle in the U.S. military and forbidding the enforcement of the federal law called the Defense of Marriage Act that supported traditional marriage.

The extent of the reach of his actions perhaps was epitomized by last week’s announcement that the U.S. Embassy in Israel was flying a rainbow flag – representing homosexual activism – along with Old Glory.

But now a coalition in Congress, made up exclusively of Democrats, wants to take the effort further and make promoting LGBT “human rights” a “priority for the U.S. government worldwide.”

Prepared by Sen. Ed Markey, D-Mass., the “International Human Rights Defense Act” would demand that the State Department “make preventing and responding to discrimination and violence against the LGBT community a foreign policy priority and devise a global strategy to achieve those goals.”

It also would create a job for a federal bureaucrat specifically to do those promotions.

Markey, who was joined by more than a dozen other Democrats in affirming the new guidance for a worldwide campaign for the U.S., said in a statement on Friday there are more than 80 nations around the world that criminalize homosexuality.

“In seven countries, homosexuality is punishable by death,” his announcement noted.

“For the United States to hold true to our commitment to defending the human rights of all people around the world, we must stand with the LGBT community in their struggle for recognition and equality everywhere,” Markey said. “The International Human Rights Defense Act will foster a coordinated effort across the federal government and relevant agencies so we can meet the enormous challenge before us and work to ensure equality for all people around the globe.”

For Cheryl Chumley, author of the newly released “Police State USA: How Orwell’s Nightmare is Becoming our Reality,” said it’s another example of the government using its authority and power to pursue a special interest for Obama – far beyond where the Constitution allows it to go.

“Markey wants our U.S. State Department to take a politically charged stand on homosexual rights and try and push his liberal views onto other governments. Really? Doesn’t America under President Obama have enough problems with its foreign policy without jumping into the hot-bed that’s called gay rights?” she said.

See what is happening to America, and what your future may include, in “Police State U.S.A.”

“You know, countries like Yemen, Iran and Qatar punish homosexuality with death,” Chumley said. “So do Iraq and Saudi Arabia, as well as several other Muslim-dominated nations where Shariah law is woven into the politics and culture. Is it Markey’s contention that the State Department’s new rightful role should be to demand these nations cease and desist what he sees as a discriminatory practice?” she continued.

“Just look at what’s going on in Iraq right now, with the mass execution of U.S.-backed government forces and the Democrat-controlled administration’s inability to deal effectively with this growing aggression. This current administration already has a track record of failure and a reputation of weakness on all-things-international. A bill like Markey’s just adds to the reputation of the United States under President Obama as feckless,” Chumley said.

“On top of that, a bill like this just reeks of special interest agenda, and – just as our nation’s military under Obama is tasked with pursuing a radical environmental agenda, or NASA under Obama tasked with boosting the self-esteem of Muslim nations by emphasizing their space contributions – it makes our country’s top diplomats push forward with a public relations message that’s sure to do one thing: Make America look even more impotent on the international stage.”

Markey’s plan is so new the actual wording hadn’t yet been released.

But in addition to Obama’s wide-ranging promotions of homosexuality throughout society, his vice president, Joe Biden, says the chief executive should be using his Oval Office authority to ban workplace discrimination for federal contractors regarding “Lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender employees.”

“I don’t see any downside,” Biden recently told The Huffington Post when asked about Obama taking executive action.

As far back as 2008, Obama made commitments to pursue promotions of LGBT issues.

Markey’s plan specifically would require the federal government to “make preventing and responding to discrimination and violence against the LGBT community a foreign policy priority.”

It also would coordinate campaigns to “promote international LGBT human rights” and create a federal “Special Envoy for the Human Rights of LGBT Peoples.”

Others supporting the idea include Sens. Charles Schumer, New York; Patty Murray, Washington; Barbara Boxer, California; Ben Cardin, Maryland; Chris Murphy, Connecticut; Tammy Baldwin, Wisconsin; Elizabeth Warren, Massachusetts; Jeff Merkley, Oregon; Kirsten Gillibrand, New York; Marla Cantwell, Washington; Richard Blumenthal, Connecticut; Sheldon Whitehouse, Rhode Island; Mazie Hirono, Hawaii; Dick Durbin, Illinois; Sherrod Brown, Ohio; Patrick Leahy, Vermont; Brian Schatz, Hawaii; Ron Wyden, Oregon; Cory Booker, New Jersey; Chris Coons, Delaware; Dianne Feinstein, California; Barbara Mikulski, Maryland; Al Franken, Minnesota; and Jeanne Shaheen, New Hampshire.

All are Democrats.

A wide range of homosexual activist groups endorsed the idea.

Kerry Kennedy, of the Robert F. Kennedy Center for Justice and Human Rights, praised Markey for his work that “speaks truth to power.”

“This historic legislation … will entrench the protection of LGBT people around the world as a policy priority of the Untied States and reflect our role as a beacon of decency and freedom.



May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
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Jim Allen

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RE: All feel free to share your thoughts
6/17/2014 3:49:13 PM
Man-made climate change is such a tough sell, so much so, that the globalists are changing their battle cry to overpopulation. The depopulation agenda is being fueled by the contrived hording of precious resources by the globalists. The resulting moniker of the globalists is that the population must be reduced to save the Earth. However, this New Age, New World Order philosophy runs contrary to the teachings of God. Does God support the depopulation efforts and birth control methods (i.e. abortion) of the globalists? Genesis 1:28 states “God blessed them and said to them, “Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it. Rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky and over every living creature that moves on the ground.” It is very clear, God tells man to be fruitful and increase in number.

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
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Jim Allen

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RE: All feel free to share your thoughts
6/18/2014 9:57:22 PM

As Long As U.S. Leaders Game The System, Illegals Will, Too


In 2012, the current administration made it clear that certain unaccompanied illegal minors would not be deported if caught. This helped create an atmosphere of tolerance that would be conducive to the current rash of illegal dumping of thousands of children from south of the border into the United States. Now we have a humanitarian crisis that appears to have been manufactured for political reasons.

One would not have to be incredibly bright to predict that families in South and Central America, as well as in Mexico, would recognize a veiled invitation to get their children into the United States with little chance of deportation. Of course, the media are asking opponents of the administration for solutions to this crisis. Almost anything these opponents suggest will be either harsh, making them appear cruel and callous, or weak, making them appear to be amnesty supporters. Either way, they will take a political hit. Meanwhile, the administration can stay above the fray and receive the political benefit of gratitude from many legal and illegal immigrants. It’s a clever and effective ploy with the added benefit of redistributing even more American wealth. It remains to be seen how many people will be hoodwinked.

We have all heard it said many times that America is a land of immigrants, some voluntary and some involuntary, but immigrants nevertheless. We have plenty of space in our country, but insufficient jobs and insufficient resources to support everyone who wants to come here. When we see innocent children used as political pawns, it still tugs at our heartstrings, which is the desired intent. The real question is what are we going to do about it. The combination of immigration reform being a very tough issue as well as a political football has led to governmental stalemates and no useful solutions for decades.

Read the complete article at The Washington Times

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success


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