You do not want to look back on this week and say I WISH I WOULD HAVEYou want to be saying I AM GLAD I DID SPINDING is just another name of another Business that they know nothing about. But we know what the real deal here is there is SO MUCH MONEY TO BE MADE. If you look at our ZULU numbers it is a six figure number. AND that is a SIX FIGURE MONTHLY NUMBER. There are some people who are really going to achieve that figure which means there are going to be about 80.000 ZULU's and it may not be in the next month the next 60 days the next 90 days maybe not even in the next 12 months. But when somebody hits that full matrix of ZULU's ARE YOU GOING TO BE IN THAT PLACE Are you going to surround yourself with people who are serious about SpinDing ? We are going to take this to the next level because its there fore for the taking. What company do you know that of can be part of to take a strategic position with an all ready paid members getting placed into a matrix. So if you follow the rules and you get qualified then what ever happens around you is going to get paid through you. Peoples anniversary dates are different, so I don't want you to think that on June 1st that every is going into the Matrix and it is going to be a huge payday. But there is one coming If you want to join