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Stepping into Goodness
5/27/2014 2:21:43 PM
The Daily Meditation 5.27.2014

“Stepping into Goodness

Nancy Bowers, RScP

Nancy Bowers, RScPIn this moment, right here, right now, I remember the Power and Presence of God. There is only One, this One that flows in, through, and around everything and everybody. It is the Infinite, the Unlimited, the Creative Expression that shows up in millions of forms. Its name is Love. Its name is Peace. Its name is Unbridled Joy. It is the Solution, the Answer to every question. It is the How that shows up when I cannot see possibility, for in God all things are possible. God knows only Ease, only Effortlessness, for being all-knowing and all-powerful, answers are what It does. And so I align myself with this, for the truth is that I am part of It. I cannot be separate from It. I was born of It and there is a part of me that knows this, that remembers this and knows how to put away fear and worry and allow that truth to come rushing back to me. And just as this is true of me, it is also true of you. You, too, are part of the Divine, that One Life. It is the truth of who you are and forgetting that can never make it any less true. The Love of God is your love. The Peace of God is your peace. The Unbridled Joy of God is your joy.

So knowing this, I claim that remembrance now. I step into the place that connects easily and effortlessly with the Divine. I feel Love wash over me. I know only peace, even in chaotic moments. I experience only joy for in my remembrance I arrive at that place that can never be disturbed. God is my birthright and no fear or folly can keep me from this truth. Even amid moments of seeming messiness, of seeming muck, I will not forget this awesome truth – God knows who I really am and knowing this, loves me unconditionally, supports me continuously. Only I can keep myself from experience God’s Sweetness and I will not. I refuse to claim for myself anything but the glory God would have for me. I accept His magnificent gifts for me. I know this is my inheritance and I will not be kept from it. I know your inheritance and I claim it for you now. God’s desire for us is that we know who we are and that we experience all the Love He wraps up in daily.

And I give thanks for this. I give thanks for knowing how loved I am, how loved you are. I give thanks that I have only to pause and breathe in God to return to the place where God’s treasures are waiting for me to come claim them. I am grateful for the teaching that helps me remember this truth. I am grateful for friends and community that return me to this remembrance when I start to stray off-path. I am grateful. I am grateful. I am at home in God, and I am grateful.

And I am especially grateful that God has it covered. He knows my heart and hears my prayers. I don’t have to worry. So I let it go. God takes care of the how. I relax into that knowing peacefully. How is none of my business. I’ve released it and it is done. And So It Is! Amen.

Nancy Bowers is a Practitioner at the Rio Grande Center For Spiritual Living , Albuquerque, New Mexico.

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