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Jim Allen

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Things that I alone cannot change, but I cannot ignore them either. Join Me
5/22/2014 3:04:32 PM
I cannot alone change things like what is happening in Ukraine. I can understand why Putin feels he is well within his right based off our actions over the years. The big difference is that Russia was not given the job the USA was, when WWII was through.

We committed to world peace basically and agreed to be the big stick for our allies. The world is much different and perhaps our leadership overstepped big time. Anyways here is a good argument...

Just imagine... If Russia had toppled the Canadian government

Just imagine if the democratically-elected government of Canada had been toppled in a Russian-financed coup, in which far-right extremists and neo-Nazis played a prominent role.

That the new unelected 'government' in Ottawa cancelled the law giving the French language official status, appointed a billionaire oligarch to run Quebec and signed an association agreement with a Russian-led trade bloc.

Just imagine…

If Russia had spent $5 billion on regime change in Canada and then a leading Canadian energy firm had appointed to its board of directors the son of a top Russian government politician.

Just imagine…

If the Syrian government had hosted a meeting in Damascus of the 'Friends of Britain'- a group of countries who supported the violent overthrow of David Cameron's government.

That the Syrian government and its allies gave the anti-government ‘rebels’ in Britain millions of pounds and other support, and failed to condemn ‘rebel’ groups when they killed British civilians and bombed schools, hospitals and universities.

That the Syrian Foreign Minister dismissed next year’s scheduled general election in the UK as a ‘parody of democracy’ and said that Cameron must stand down before any elections are held.

Just imagine…

If in 2003, Russia and its closest allies had launched a full-scale military invasion of an oil-rich country in the Middle East, having claimed that that country possessed WMDs which threatened the world and that afterwards no WMDs were ever found.

That up to 1 million people had been killed in the bloodshed that followed the invasion and that the country was still in turmoil over 10 years later.

That Russian companies had come in to benefit from the reconstruction and rebuilding work following the 'regime change'.

Just imagine…

If the pro-Russian journalists who had faithfully parroted the claims that the Middle Eastern country that Russia had invaded in 2003 had WMDs did not apologise afterwards or show any contrition despite the enormous death toll; but instead carried on in their well-paid jobs to propagandize more illegal wars and ’interventions’ against other independent countries, and attacked those honest journalists who didn't peddle the war lies.

Just imagine…

If over forty people protesting against the central government had been burnt to death by pro-government extremists in Venezuela.

That the Venezuelan government had launched a military offensive against people protesting for greater autonomy/federalization following visits by the head of the Russian SVR and Dmitry Medvedev to Caracas.

Just imagine….

If last August over six hundred people protesting in camps against the government in Minsk in Belarus had been massacred by armed forces. That this spring, the courts in Belarus had handed out death sentences to over 600 supporters of opposition parties.

Just imagine….

If Russia had spent the years following the end of the old 'Cold War' surrounding the US with military bases and pushing for Canada and Mexico to join a Russian military alliance. That earlier this month Russia carried out major military exercises in Mexico.

Just imagine….

If we had heard leaked telephone calls between a high ranking official from the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Russian Ambassador in Canada in which they discussed who should/shouldn't be in the Canadian government. That their approved candidate subsequently became the new, unelected Prime Minister following a Russian-financed 'regime change'.

That the high ranking Russian official from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs also said : ‘Fxxx the EU’.

Just imagine...

If the Syrian air force had bombed a weapons depot in Israel and also bombed convoys which security officials said were carrying weapons to anti-government forces in Syria.

Just imagine...

If leading Russian politicians attended anti-austerity street protests in western Europe, handed out cookies to those protesting, and supported the protestors’ calls for the governments to step down.

Imagining what would happen if any of the above events occurred, and comparing it to what has happened in reality is highly instructive as it shows us what is wrong with the world today.

Reuters / Hamid Khatib

Reuters / Hamid Khatib

Actions have been taken by the US and its allies which would be considered totally outrageous if carried out by other countries. All we have to do is to switch the names of the countries concerned to see the double standards.

If Russia had attacked an oil-rich Middle Eastern nation in 2003, and pro-Russian journalists peddled the same sort of deceitful pro-war, WMD propaganda that neocons and faux-leftists did in the west when the US invaded Iraq, then we can be sure that Russia would have been regarded as an international pariah, and the journalists who acted as cheerleaders for the illegal invasion would be discredited for the rest of their lives. But the US is not subject to sanctions or treated as an outcast, its President in 2003, George W. Bush and his close ally Tony Blair, have yet to stand trial for war crimes, and the media 'pundits' who supported the invasion of Iraq are still in place and now pushing for a new Cold war against Russia and new military 'intervention' against Syria.

If Russia had spent $5bn on toppling the democratically-elected government of either Canada or Mexico, and installed a pro-Russian junta in its place, we can be sure that within hours, a full scale military invasion by the US would have taken place, in order to remove the new 'government' from power. Western television news channels and elite pundits would be enthusiastically supporting the US action - declaring it to be a 'response to Russian aggression' and saying it was totally justified. But when the regime changing was done by the US in Ukraine, and a pro-US junta installed in power in Kiev, it’s a very different story. The same people who would cry ‘foul’ at the top of their voices if Russia engineered a coup in Canada or Mexico, celebrate the unlawful toppling of the legitimate government of Ukraine.

We already know how the US would respond, if another country sought to put nuclear weapons close to its territory – in 1962 the world came to the brink of war in the Cuban missile crisis. But while a third world war would undoubtedly be threatened again if Russian forces held military exercises in Mexico, it’s not considered provocative for NATO to hold military exercises in Estonia.

If the governments of Belarus and Venezuela had responded as brutally towards anti-government protesters as the Egyptian military regime did last August, or sent in the tanks and used heavy weaponry against their own people as the western-backed Kiev junta has, then we can be sure that the great 'humanitarians' of the faux-left would be screeching not just for punitive sanctions but for air strikes too and for Presidents Lukashenko and Maduro to be carted off to The Hague.

We all know too what would have followed if it had been the Syrian air force that had bombed a weapons depot and convoys in Israel and not the other way round. Why do we tolerate such brazen hypocrisy?

There is no legal or moral basis for saying that the US and its allies should be able to do things, which if done by other countries, would be condemned as wrong and punished with the imposition of sanctions and/or military attack or invasion. International law and the principles of non-interference in other nations should apply equally to all: regardless of the country's political system or form of government. The British government has no more right to interfere in the internal affairs of Syria than the Syrian government has to interfere in the internal affairs of Great Britain. The US has no more right to 'regime change' in countries bordering Russia, than Russia has to 'regime change' in countries bordering the US.

We need a new international order based on the equality of all sovereign nations: a new "World of Equals", as envisaged by this year's Belgrade Forum, whose declaration can be read here If we can imagine that and work to put it in place by exposing current western hypocrisy and double standards whenever they occur then the world would be a much safer place.

The statements, views and opinions expressed in this column are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of RT.

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
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Jim Allen

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RE: Things that I alone cannot change, but I cannot ignore them either. Join Me
5/22/2014 8:16:52 PM
Heated Exchange Between Senators As Democrat Accuses Obamacare Opponents of Being Racist

Sen. Ron Johnson (R-WI) hit back at Sen. Jay Rockefeller’s (D-WV) statement that Obamacare opponents don’t want the program to work because the President is the “wrong color,” and hit back hard. Things got heated at the Commerce Committee hearing, at which Johnson was the lone Republican.

“That you would say that opposition to Obamacare necessarily must stream from some inherent racism? Very offensive. Listen, my opposition to health care has nothing to do with the race of President Obama. It is the greatest assault on our freedom in my lifetime.”

Rockefeller denied calling Johnson a racist, despite existing video of his statements, and responded “That is very silly on your part.” When Johnson suggested they play back the tape, Rockefeller said “We can do that, but we’re not going to.”

The pair exchange “God help you”‘s near the end of the clip, and let’s just say, they weren’t friendly words.

Rarely do tempers get so heated on Capitol Hill, but when one accuses their opponents of racism, you better believe those are fighting words!

Here We Go Again: Dem Senator Says People Who Don’t Like ObamaCare Are Racist Or Something

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
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Jim Allen

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RE: Things that I alone cannot change, but I cannot ignore them either. Join Me
5/22/2014 8:20:37 PM
We have created a culture of White Shame and Apologists. Political Correctness gone too far.

White Teacher Says He Helped Write Common Core Because Of His ‘Privilege’ [VIDEO]

An educator who helped write Common Core standards said Monday that one of the reasons he contributed to the curriculum was because he is a privileged as a white man.

Dr. David Pook teaches at The Derryfield School and Granite State College. He served a panelist at a forum hosted by the New Hampshire Institute of Politics to discuss the pros and cons of Common Core.

“The reason why I helped write the standards and the reason why I am here today is that as a white male in society I am given a lot of privilege that I didn’t earn,” said Pook, in a video published at Campus Reform.

Pook’s remarks drew groans, laughs and boos from the crowd.

“I think it’s really important that get equal opportunity to learn how to read. And I think I had a decided advantage because of who I was,” said Pook.

The Derryfield School, where Pook teaches history and English, is a bastion of “white privilege” itself.

Its student body is 91 percent white, and the annual cost of attendance is over $28,000, Campus Reform reports.

As an education consultant, Pook helped write Common Core Standards for English Language Arts. He has several other standards development projects underway with Student Achievement Partners, an organization founded by several Common Core curriculum lead writers.

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
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Jim Allen

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RE: Things that I alone cannot change, but I cannot ignore them either. Join Me
5/23/2014 3:26:56 PM
Does Max Igan have all the answers? Or is he just another profiteer?

Join in on the conversation.

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success

Jim Allen

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RE: Things that I alone cannot change, but I cannot ignore them either. Join Me
5/23/2014 8:38:02 PM

Chip in now to save the orangutans

Sumatran orangutans -- one of humanity's closest relatives -- are being driven to the brink of extinction by massive palm oil plantations, wiping out their habitat to supply giant food corporations.

We have a plan to help save the orangutan, but we don't have much time.

Here's the deal: People don't want to buy potato chips or lipstick that kill orangutans. And if even a small percentage of consumers start avoiding products with destructive palm oil, it will affect their profits and share prices.

The challenge is to make sure people actually know about the destruction these products are causing.

Primates In Mortal Danger

25 of your closest relatives may disappear at any moment. A report commissioned by three leading conservationist charities lists 25 primate species living on the brink of extinction. Hunting and habitat loss are the main reasons for the decline.

25 of your closest relatives may disappear at any moment.

A report commissioned by three leading conservationist charities lists 25 primate species living on the brink of extinction. Hunting and habitat loss are the main reasons for the decline.

The report was created by 60 Primatology experts worldwide. It includes two of humanity’s closest relatives in the Sumatran Orangutan and the Cross River Gorilla from Nigeria and Cameroon.

The document is immensely bleak. One gets the feeling many of these species are doomed, despite the report’s plea for assistance in saving the creatures. One inclusion, Miss Waldron’s Red Colobus monkey, may actually already be extinct. It was declared extinct in 2000, but recent photos show a similar creature so scientists have rather hopefully included it.

Russell Mittermeier, president of Conservation International, described the situation grimly. “You could fit all the surviving members of these 25 species in a single football stadium; that’s how few of them remain on Earth today.”

Asia has the most entries on the list with 11. There are also seven species located in Africa, three from South America and four from Madagascar.

Ironically, many of the species are being driven from their habitat because of the efforts of some environmentalists. Many countries are attempting to switch to renewable energy sources in an effort to fight global warming. Biofuels, frequently made from palm oil, are one of the most popular options, with a vast and profitable market worldwide.

Palm oil plantations for biofuel are becoming popular, and they destroy primate habitats as they expand. The orangutan in particular is affected by this trend. Sumatra’s forests are both the orangutan’s natural habitat and prime land for palm oil plantations. Unsurprisingly, orangutans are disappearing faster than any other primate.

Scientists say that all is not lost. A strong effort to conserve the species on the list can save them. They point to the example of the golden lion tamarind of Brazil. Since being reported to be on the edge of extinction, a strong conservation effort was made and the species is no longer in decline.

Source: Guardian

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success


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