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New Affiliate Program with forced Matrix
5/15/2014 1:29:46 PM added a new affiliate program and in Phase 2 also an forced matrix with levels and 3 positions per level with massive Spillover.

In 3 Phase 3 and advertising revenue sharing will be installed, wich pay 50 % of the whole revenues equally to upgraded members.
Admin and Owner of
RE: New Affiliate Program with forced Matrix
9/11/2014 12:18:55 AM
Now Money Earning in this Social Network even is working without any Payment out of Pocket as even free Members can earn on this Social Network.

After updates the Compensation Plan is loooking now like this:

Free Members Matrix
Level 1 4 % 3 Members 1.20 US$
Level 2 2 % 9 Members 1.80 US$
Level 3 2 % 27 Members 5.40 US$
Level 4 2 % 81 Members 16.20 US$
Level 5 2 % 243 Members 48.60 US$
Level 6 2 % 729 Members 145.80 US$
Level 7 2 % 2187 Members 437.40 US$
Level 8 2 % 6561 Members 1312.20 US$
Level 9 2 % 19683 Members 3936.60 US$
Level 10 2 % 59049 Members 11809.80 US$

And these Numbers in Top could be your possible residual Income, only if all Members in your Downline are Upgrading.

For Upgraded Members the possible resdual Income could be like in the Table below. The Numbers are also just counted from the possible Income if the complete Downline is Upgrading.

Upgraded Members Matrix
Level 1 20 % 3 6.00 US$
Level 2 5 % 9 4.50 US$
Level 3 5 % 27 13.50 US$
Level 4 5 % 81 40.20 US$
Level 5 5 % 243 121.50 US$
Level 6 5 % 729 364.50 US$
Level 7 5 % 2187 1093.50 US$
Level 8 5 % 6561 3280.50 US$
Level 9 5 % 19683 9841.50 US$
Level 10 10 % 59049 59049.00 US$

Upgraded Members also get their Shares from the sold Advertising, the fees for Crowdfunding and Gigs and all future Revenue Creating Income Streams.

Payout is done within 48 hours after Payout Request is sent !!

Admin and Owner of