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Sue Lester

148 Posts
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Re: New Alphabet
1/24/2006 4:24:15 AM
Very good, but makes me want to get back under the duvet - is this what I have to look forward to? Maybe S should be for sense of humour that I seem to have misplaced - you obviously havent so keep them coming! Sue x
Re: New Alphabet
1/24/2006 7:53:27 AM
Hi Linda, That is a very revealing collection of ailments! I wonder how many of us have collected them all. Maybe we should educate the 5 year olds about this way of living. It could be the start of reducing the number of specialists required as a drain on the Health Service. Hell, if I go on living like this I will become a sought after commidity!- by the specialists. It could underpin the idea that we are what we eat! Have a Great Day! Peter
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Verna ZdarskiKeeble

142 Posts
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Re: New Alphabet
1/24/2006 8:29:03 AM
Hi Linda, Thank-you for sharing your redesigned alphabet. Thank-you for the laugh. Truely in some cases of reality, this could be a common truth, just listed by you in a form of humor, enjoyed reading it. Thanks again. Keep The Humor Coming, I Look Forward To Reading Your Write ups. ____________________ See How I Recovered From The Aches & Pains Of The Aging System, Restoring It: Need That Little Extra Boost: The Fastest Growing Market Opportunity Online, Full Training, Free To Join, Everyone succeeds: V.I.P Travel Reward Dollars $$$$ Use them for many, many discounts to your advantage: Sincerely, Verna ZK.
Re: New Alphabet
1/24/2006 12:04:36 PM
Hi Linda, How true.I know every letter personally. Thanks for the laugh.
Re: New Alphabet
1/25/2006 8:23:51 PM
Linda, What a chuckle! LOL I'll never forget the trip my mother took to the doctor's office on her 40th birthday! She told the nurse that she'd always heard that "life begins at 40" and she was looking forward to it. The nurse put a quick damper on her spirits by retorting, "Yes, honey, it begins to fall apart!" Denise B.

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