Seeing the positive experiences other people were having opened me up to the possibilities. . When someone else lands a killer job with an impressive pay check, it’s easy to fall into the jealousy trap. But seeing that such a great job exists can, instead, give you something to shoot for. It can show you the amazing possibilities that are already present in the world. . This also allows us to confront one negative belief we carry with us as a society: there isn’t enough to go around. So if one person gets something we want, the chances of us getting the same thing are significantly diminished. . The truth is, there is always enough to go around if we believe it is so. We simply have to claim it. Realization #3: Everything is temporary, and the tables are constantly turning. . Realizing that things are temporary and always changing can do wonders in all areas of your life, especially when it comes to dealing with jealousy. . The monetary wealth you see a friend experiencing could be gone within a year. The relationship you witness and long for could be over within a month. The string of unfortunate circumstances you’ve been struggling with could turn around in a day. . I’m not implying we should take solace in knowing that other people’s blessings are temporary, but rather that it helps to realize everything in life is, for all of us. We are not the only people who go through hard times. . Circumstances are constantly changing, so to spend a great deal of time and energy fretting over them or wishing for something different is, frankly, a waste. Realization #4: Appreciating “what is” makes what “could be” even sweeter. . If you’re able to appreciate and express gratitude for the experience you are having right now—no matter how negative they may look on the surface—you’ll have a greater capacity for appreciating the positive experiences when they begin to show up. . Maybe you don’t have the career success or relationship satisfaction of those around you, but by working through anything that is less than ideal, you are achieving something great: growth. And growth will make room for the changes you’ve been waiting for. . Jealousy planted one glaring misconception in my mind: who I was simply wasn’t enough. I have since realized that the hardships I was experiencing weren’t meant to point out my inadequacies, but to create an entirely new life experience that was more fulfilling and more…me. . What jealousies do you need to kick to the curb?