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Barb Doyle

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Medical tyranny.
2/14/2014 11:00:36 PM

There is no scientific proof that vaccines work.
If they did work you could get a guarantee that
the toxic stuff in vaccines that they inject you
with would definitely prevent you from getting
that disease. There is no guarantee. Just do
some research and look at what is in vaccines
and you will see that there is nothing in them
that will help you in preventing any disease. God
gave us what we need for good health - an
immune system - and it is our job to give our
bodies what they need so that we have a strong
immune system. Did you know that one of the
side effects of at least 14 vaccines is death?

More medical tyranny: Father sentenced to life in prison after daughter dies following eight vaccinations in one day
Wednesday, February 12, 2014 by: Ethan A. Huff, staff writer

(NaturalNews) Just days after a U.K. father was sentenced to life in prison for allegedly killing his own daughter, who reportedly died from unusual head injuries after receiving the MMR vaccine for measles, mumps and rubella, an American father received the same sentence following the oddly similar death of his 12-week-old baby girl. reports that John Sanders of Lansing, Michigan, has been sentenced to life in prison without parole after botched court proceedings found him guilty of murdering his 12-week-old daughter Ja'Nayjah. The girl is said to have experienced severe brain hemorrhaging and gastrointestinal problems just 24 days after receiving eight vaccinations in one day, horrific side effects that were ultimately blamed on her dad.

Problems began when young Ja'Nayjah was first released from the hospital following her birth. Her mother Marrie says Ja'Nayjah was a healthy, normal and happy baby -- that is until she received her first round of routine vaccinations. Two days later at a routine checkup, Ja'Nayjah was found to have lost a few pounds, prompting the doctor to call her back in for tests.

Since Ja'Nayjah was already scheduled to come back in for more vaccinations, Marrie decided to wait until this date to have her daughter evaluated. But shortly before her scheduled appointment, Ja'Nayjah's health rapidly deteriorated. And instead of holding off on administering any more vaccinations until the child was better, Ja'Nayjah's doctor decided to just go ahead and jab her.

"After Ja'Nayjah came home from receiving her shots, she just wasn't the same baby anymore," recalls the girl's mother.

"Before, she was this cheerful, happy baby, but after, she just changed and wasn't as bright and cheerful as she once was. She started wheezing, was congested and was still throwing up. And when she cried, she would scream an unusual scream, almost as [if] she [were] screaming in pain. After her shots, her dad bought some infant Tylenol, which I would give her twice a day."

Negligent doctor ignores Ja'Nayjah's health problems, proceeds to jab her with eight vaccines.
Dismissing these and other adverse events as normal, or consequences of the child allegedly "eating too much," the doctor in question convinced Marrie that her daughter was fine. But this turned out not to be the case, as young Ja'Nayjah suffered severe brain trauma just 24 days after receiving vaccines for DTaP, polio, rotavirus, hepatitis B, meningitis and Hib.

According to Marrie's account of what happened, Ja'Nayjah was irritable on the day before she was left in the care of her father, who found the child unconscious and not breathing the day she died. He had been preparing a bottle for her when she suddenly stopped crying, upon which he rushed her to the hospital. But it was already too late.

"While at the hospital, she had to have emergency brain surgery and blood transfusions," recalls Marrie. "She died in my arms after spending about 12 hours in the hospital."

But rather than assess the situation fairly by looking at the vaccination issue, authorities charged Ja'Nayjah's father with murder. He was immediately arrested and accused of shaking his baby to death, a medical condition marked by the very same injuries that science has found can result from vaccine adverse events.

Since young Ja'Nayjah was sick both prior to and during the time when she died, any number of things could have caused her death.'s Christina England explains how vitamin C deficiency caused by vaccine overload; brain injuries caused by the toxic adjuvants in the vaccines; and pre-existing health conditions, which were ignored by Ja'Nayjah's doctor, are all possible causes of the girl's death that were ignored by the courts.

"This case was completely one-sided, hinging on weak, flimsy evidence, all of which was completely circumstantial," writes England.

Peace, Health and Prosperity,
Barb Doyle, Sc.

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