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Ken Wolff

1889 Posts
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Welcome Back Special!
1/26/2014 8:41:51 AM
Hi ALP Friends,

I for one am so glad to have this forum back. It may have been deleted for lack of activity. Lets not let that happen again.

There are so many programs that reward you for logging in every day. What programs do you use on a daily basis that you would like to share?

Tell us how you are rewarded for logging in.

As a welcome back special I will award you with 100 credits for each of the programs that I use on a daily basis if you join for free (if you upgrade or make a purchase I will make that 500 credits) if that program will allow the transfer. Not all programs have that feature. Here are some that do:

join Richy Rich Mailer

join Awesome Traffic

You Have Earned 4990 Points

join Awesome Traffic

Join Recipe Mailer

join Super Cash FFA

I am an affiliate of the programs I have and will include so I could potentially earn a commission if you happen to upgrade or make a purchase of some kind. Upgrading is quite often a smart thing to do, especially considering the OTO (one time offer). I personally like the Lifetime upgrades when they are very reasonable.

Disclaimer! I am not doing this to make money. If my commissions exceed what I spend on any program, I will donate to profits to your favorite charity or mine.


Ken Wolff

The Soaring Eagle Team

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