The Daily Meditation 12.24.2013The New Birth
Ernest Holmes, Our Founder
The New Birth (John 3:3-9)
“Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God” Jesus is referring to the heavenly birth, which means being born into the knowledge of Truth. He refers to this as being born of water and Spirit.
The symbol of water is used to express the idea of a complete immersion in Spirit. As water flows in and around, so we are immersed in an everlasting Spirit which flows around, in and through us. To be immersed in water symbolizes our recognition that we are surrounded by pure Spirit. It is the outward sign of an inner conviction. But water alone cannot make us completely clean or whole. We must be born of the Spirit for “that which is born of the Spirit is Spirit. “
Man partakes of the Divine nature and the Divine nature is man. The recognition of this is being born of the Spirit. But we cannot be born of the Spirit unless we do the will of the Spirit and the will of the Spirit is goodness, peace, mercy, justice and truth. It is conscious union with God.
The new birth comes not by observation nor by loud proclamation, but through an inner sense of reality. We cannot tell where this comes from, if we look to outward things, as it proceeds from the innermost parts of our own being.
Ernest Holmes, Founder of Religious Science and author of “Science of Mind”.
Rio Grande Center For Spiritual Living, Albuquerque, New Mexico.
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