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How about a free upgrade served on a silver platter:
Just surf at least 250 pages on Sunday and you are given a free 7 day upgrade. Do that every week and you earn more for your Clicks. Time is Money, use it wisely.
There are so many awesome things about Click Voyager I do not know where to start.
Here is another reason to love Click Voyager:
While surfing on either the regular Surf For Credits or the Click Voyage, you will occasionally find bonus letters. Whenever you find one, a small notice will appear in the surf bar. Once you collect all the letters to spell out Click Voyager, you can come to this page and claim your prize! You can win anywhere between 100 and 1000 credits so keep surfing and keep watching for those letters! Congratulations! You won 812credits! The credits have been added to your account and you can now start hunting for more letters! =============================================================== The games are fun and the rewards are big and happen often while surfing. What again do you like most about Click Voyager. Click the New Reply below and add your testimonial. If you are in my downline I will reward you with 100 free credits.
Hey Surfer!
 You can also get 100 credits each if you accept the bribes that I have offered:

1. Splash Page 1 claimed 9 to go.
2. Splash Page 10 to go.
3. Splash Page 10 to go.
4. Splash Page 10 to go.
If the links to claim your reward do not work, send me a message and I will make sure you receive your rewards.
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