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Jim Allen

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RE: The Affordable Care Act Also Known as 0bamacare deserves its own thread
5/23/2014 2:35:54 PM
I am sure this is probably considered a report from a right wing rag too, just like the DC Clothesline is considered here. But Damn People WAKE UP!!!
frustration_avatar.gif goofylooking.gif


Des Moines, IA NBC affiliate WHO reported on Thursday that Mercy Medical Center, a hospital in Des Moines, has had to lay off 29 people, which is attributed in part to the ObamaCare law according to Bob Ritz, president of Mercy Medical Center.

“As the federal government and state payment systems continue to ratchet down on what they pay us and our costs go up, we have to look for opportunities to create cost efficiencies,” Ritz said. “And one way you do that is you reduce your management costs. So if we have a department that has a director and a manager and two supervisors for let’s say 75 staff, we may remove one of those positions to what we say are the layers of management.”

(h/t RNC Research)

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
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Jim Allen

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RE: The Affordable Care Act Also Known as 0bamacare deserves its own thread
5/23/2014 4:09:25 PM
Here is another one of those things that make you wanna

Liberals touted Veterans Affairs hospitals as evidence government-run health care works

BY |
Photo - In this file photo from Feb. 6, 2013, a sign on the parking lot is seen at the Veterans Affairs hospital in Pittsburgh. (AP Photo/Keith Srakocic, file)

In this file photo from Feb. 6, 2013, a sign on the parking lot is seen at the Veterans Affairs...As a scandal involving long delays at Veterans Affairs hospitals mounts, it's worth recalling that liberals have long touted the socialized medical system as evidence that government-run health care can work.

New York Times columnist Paul Krugman has penned several valentines to the Veterans Health Administration over the years. In a2006 column, Krugman argued that the system was, “one of the best-kept secrets in the American policy debate.”

He explained, “pundits and policy makers don't talk about the veterans' system because they can't handle the cognitive dissonance. ... For the lesson of the V.H.A.'s success story -- that a government agency can deliver better care at lower cost than the private sector -- runs completely counter to the pro-privatization, anti-government conventional wisdom that dominates today's Washington.”

In 2011, Krugman wrote a column blasting Mitt Romney after the Republican presidential candidate called for partially privatizing the system. “What Mr. Romney and everyone else should know is that the V.H.A. is a huge policy success story, which offers important lessons for future health reform,” he wrote.

The lessons, he said, were that the incentives created by its integrated care model led to less waste and better quality care. “(Y)es, this is ‘socialized medicine,’” Krugman wrote, noting that some private enterprises also took a similar approach. “But it works — and suggests what it will take to solve the troubles of U.S. health care more broadly.”

In a 2007 article for the American Prospect, Ezra Klein also praised the system's outcomes. “What makes this such an explosive story is that the VHA is a truly socialized medical system,” Klein wrote. “The unquestioned leader in American health care is a government agency that employs 198,000 federal workers from five different unions, and nonetheless maintains short wait times and high consumer satisfaction.”

Both authors cited Phillip Longman, who wrote an influential book on the Left titled Best Care Anywhere: Why VA Health Care is Better Than Yours. Longman, in a 2005 article for the Washington Monthly that led to the book, wrote, “It turns out that precisely because the VHA is a big, government-run system that has nearly a lifetime relationship with its patients, it has incentives for investing in quality and keeping its patients well--incentives that are lacking in for-profit medicine.”

The description of the system offered by liberals stands in stark contrast to the horrifying reality depicted in recent reports on how the veterans' health care system has neglected patients and covered up wait times – at a deadly cost.

The Washington Examiner reported in February that backlogged orders for medical care were being mass purged at hospitals in Los Angeles and Dallas to make wait times seem less than they really were.

Last month, CNN reported that at least 40 veterans had died waiting for treatment at the PhoenixVeterans Affairs medical system, and that many were put on a “secret waiting list” to mask the fact that 1,400 to 1,600 veterans had to wait months for doctors.

Earlier this month, the Examiner's Mark Flatten also reported on patients in Texas who had trouble getting colonoscopies. “By the time that you do the colonoscopies on these patients, you went from a stage 1 to a stage 4 [colorectal cancer], which is basically inoperable,” Dr. Richard Krugman, a former associate chief of staff at the Veterans Affairs health care system based in Harlingen, Texas, said in an interview.

A Los Angeles Times investigation found that the problems with the system were widespread. Though the VA has touted improved wait times, the article quoted Dr. Jose Mathews, chief of psychiatry at the VA St. Louis Health Care System, as saying, “The performance data the VA puts out is garbage -- it's designed to make the VA look good on paper.”

Last September, I spent time in England researching the socialized British medical system, theNational Health Service, for the Examiner's magazine edition, and encountered similar stories - of patient neglect and an unaccountable bureaucracy focused on gaming the system so they could claim to be meeting targets.

If liberals want to toast the Veterans medical system as an example of government-run health care done right, they are going to have to seriously grapple with its tragic failures.

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success

Jim Allen

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Similarities Between The EU And ObamaCare
5/28/2014 8:53:25 PM

Similarities Between The EU And ObamaCare

Published on May 27, 2014

FBN's Stuart Varney compares the European Union and ObamaCare.

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success

Jim Allen

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RE: The Affordable Care Act Also Known as 0bamacare deserves its own thread
5/31/2014 11:23:43 AM
I am sure this is probably considered a report from a right wing rag too, just like the DC Clothesline is considered here. But Damn People WAKE UP!!!
frustration_avatar.gif goofylooking.gif


Des Moines, IA NBC affiliate WHO reported on Thursday that Mercy Medical Center, a hospital in Des Moines, has had to lay off 29 people, which is attributed in part to the ObamaCare law according to Bob Ritz, president of Mercy Medical Center.

“As the federal government and state payment systems continue to ratchet down on what they pay us and our costs go up, we have to look for opportunities to create cost efficiencies,” Ritz said. “And one way you do that is you reduce your management costs. So if we have a department that has a director and a manager and two supervisors for let’s say 75 staff, we may remove one of those positions to what we say are the layers of management.”

(h/t RNC Research)

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success

Jim Allen

11253 Posts
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RE: The Affordable Care Act Also Known as 0bamacare deserves its own thread
7/5/2014 1:16:40 PM

Obama-Care, There Is No,"Back-End".MVI 2883

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success
