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Re: Quotations for Today
1/25/2006 4:39:54 AM
Hello Marilyn, Very good quotes, tell me something, when did you jump on the wagon (?) I mean, what’s with it here these days everyone sending quotes; it is like a world wide game of follow the leader. Who said that variety is the spice of life? Is it not enough that God made us all in his image; I don't believe though that he made us all of one mind, as we were all made individually and with free will. Being different is what makes life worth living, similarity is only a fad, where everyone wishes to be like someone else, we are individuals because it is what life is all about for instance no two flowers are exactly the same even if they are of the same species they are nonetheless different. Individuality is paramount in any society and needs to be practiced by everyone. I am hoping that my words have not offended anyone, and that they were understood to be critical in a constructive manner. Respectfully, Manuel D.
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Re: Quotations for Today
1/25/2006 6:27:42 PM
Hello Manuel, Thanks so much for your response. Let me respond to your post. First of all, I am my own person, and I never jump on any bandwagon with anyone. When I do something I do it because I want to, not because others are doing it! Perhaps other people may be like that, those people are followers. I am not a follower, I am a leader. I started doing quotes from time to time because I enjoy certain quotes that people say, and when I see some that I really feel are inspiring I will include them here. You did not offend me in any way at all. It would take alot more than what you said to bother me! I am very comfortable being the person I am, and I never feel I have to answer to any human for things that I do. God knows what I do, my reasons for doing them, and I answer only to Him for He is my judge. So, say whatever you feel anytime. God Bless You! Marilyn
Marilyn L Martin
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