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Carla Carey

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Re: Just when you thought you knew everything
1/19/2006 10:19:35 PM
Hello Kathy, THis is really something, I had a forum similar not too long ago! Trivia always makes the mind bigger and helps us think about things we don't always contemplate. Have a great day! Carla
Glad to make your acquaintance! Carla Carey
Eva Gutray

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Re: Just when you thought you knew everything
1/19/2006 10:22:08 PM
01/20/2006 Tasmania - Australia Fear Kathy, Thank you for these refreshing information. I am certain everyone will appreciate it... Warm Regards Eva ____________________________________________ We are Inviting you to Exchange Links with Us at : Http:// is interested in using the Internet to help bring and end to Child Poverty, and any person, and animals abuse, through education, and support of worthy organizations as chosen by the purchaser of World Win Sweepstakes The winner of Greeting - Gift all in one, will receive All expenses - paid VIP holiday for two + $$$$ in Australia - Tasmania, and many more CASH prizes
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Dave Cottrell

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Re: Just when you thought you knew everything
1/19/2006 11:38:42 PM
Hi Kathy, Very interesting information! I think I'll wrap my toothbrush in plastic! LOL! BTW, I have an oak tree I planted about ten years ago. It was only a couple of years old when I planted it (a friend grew it from seed), and it has already produced acorns. I guess there is the exception to every rule! God bless, Dave
Re: Just when you thought you knew everything
1/20/2006 12:09:16 AM
Hi Kathy, That is some really wild info. I think I'll go move my tooth brush now. Lol
Re: Just when you thought you knew everything
1/20/2006 6:22:52 AM
Kathy Thanks for the info! Very good! Vinegar being an acid which has the same ph as our stomach acid will desolve pearls because they are a clacification that is built around a grain of sand that is in an oyster. It is strange, that pure apple cider vinegar has (mother) which is a cloudy substance, that is extremely good for our health. This is why it is important to shake the vinegar so it comes out evenly. Apple cyder vinegar is also good for treating heart burn. But your doctor and the Pharmacia don't want you to know that. 1 tablespoon in 8 oz of water will usually do the trick. Toothbrush? You hear a lot about this fecal matter stuff, but dosen't common sense tell you that if you keep the seat and lid down, that the spray would be contained? Breathing through the butts! I imagine turtles would have a problem with halitosis of the oral membrain! That is in reverse of we humans that has halitosis of the rectual membrain!
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