Why Avon as a business? Why are more men becoming Avon sellers?
All products have a 100% guarantee, if the customer isn't happy for any reason, they can get a refund. Even the skin care products are guaranteed to do what they say!
Sellers can earn multi-level commissions:
We can earn up to 50% from our own sales, and that can really add up because some products are over $100. The skin care kits are priced up to $105 and many customers re-order those many times per year.
We can earn on up to 3 levels of representatives, in addition to our own sales:
Up to 50% from our personal sales,
==>>Up to 13% from sales made by our personal referrals,
==>>Up to 5% from sales made by the next level,
==>>Up to 2% from sales made by the level under them,
Plus up to 2% in additional bonuses.
Many customers continuously re-order personal products such as skin care, bath gel, deoderant, shampoo, cosmetics, and hair care products.
Thanks for taking a more serious look at the business side of Avon! Men, you can be great at this...when being your own boss matters more than what other people think about your decision to sell cosmetics and skin cream!
Sincerely, Kathleen