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RE: What's new at Avon?
11/2/2013 1:37:53 AM
Why Avon as a business? Why are more men becoming Avon sellers?

All products have a 100% guarantee, if the customer isn't happy for any reason, they can get a refund. Even the skin care products are guaranteed to do what they say!

Sellers can earn multi-level commissions:

We can earn up to 50% from our own sales, and that can really add up because some products are over $100. The skin care kits are priced up to $105 and many customers re-order those many times per year.

We can earn on up to 3 levels of representatives, in addition to our own sales:

Up to 50% from our personal sales,
==>>Up to 13% from sales made by our personal referrals,
==>>Up to 5% from sales made by the next level,
==>>Up to 2% from sales made by the level under them,
Plus up to 2% in additional bonuses.

Many customers continuously re-order personal products such as skin care, bath gel, deoderant, shampoo, cosmetics, and hair care products.

Thanks for taking a more serious look at the business side of Avon! Men, you can be great at this...when being your own boss matters more than what other people think about your decision to sell cosmetics and skin cream!

Sincerely, Kathleen
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Flag of Kathleen Vanbeekom

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RE: What's new at Avon?
11/2/2013 4:23:36 AM
When we say "the customer" gets a 100% guarantee on product performance, that also means the seller...because the sellers are also customers!

Average annual earnings in the year 2010 for an Executive Unit Leader was $23,664 and for a Senior Executive Unit Leader was $102,464. Your income may vary, those were averages from 3 years ago.

Take a look around:

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Flag of Kathleen Vanbeekom

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RE: What's new at Avon?
11/2/2013 4:14:30 PM
Avon sellers can also earn from sales of "mark" products, there's a link to "mark" on the Avon sales sites, and you can also distribute "mark" magalogs offline. You earn 40% from sales of "mark" beauty products, and 25% from sales of non-beauty products such as clothing & accessories.

This month, there is a genuine leather tote bag and a genuine suede purse available from "mark", those cost $90 and $75, so you'd earn great commissions of 25% on those sales ($22.50 and $18.75)!

40% commissions on the "mark" beauty products can also add up, especially when customers choose their own refillable eyeshadows and blush products. The refillable empty containers cost $5.50 and $8.50, and the eyeshadows and blushes costs $7 and $9, so if a customer purchases an $8.50 container and fills it with 4 eyeshadows for $28, that's a total of $36.50 and your commission at 40% would be $14.60 and the customer will need 4 refills of eyeshadows in the future, those are fantastic repeat sales for you when they continue to spend $28 on 4 eyeshadows and you get repeat commissions of $11.20.

Contact me if you're interested in becoming an Avon representative, it's only $10 and you get your own site and unlimited commissions!

Sincerely, Kathleen

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Flag of Kathleen Vanbeekom

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RE: What's new at Avon?
11/11/2013 12:10:15 AM
Avon offers a 100% money back guarantee on all products!

Avon has been in business for 125 years!

Avon Glimmersticks are America's #1 eyeliner!

Avon Glazewear is America's #1 lipgloss!

Avon Skin-So-Soft is America's #1 bath oil!

Avon has over 6.4 million sellers worldwide!

Avon has some male top sellers!

Avon sold products to 40% of worldwide women in 2012!

Avon's Absolute Even is recommended by 90% of women who used it!

Avon can pay sellers by direct deposit!

Avon has an unlimited width 4-level compensation plan!

Avon offers exotic trips to top sellers!

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Flag of Kathleen Vanbeekom

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RE: What's new at Avon?
11/12/2013 12:52:36 AM
FREE chance to win $500 worth of products!

Sign up for info about becoming an Avon representative!

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