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Re: For Cheri, Deb, Winston, Johnny, Martha and Kathy
2/3/2006 6:55:23 PM
Thanks Cheri, I read so quick that I didnt even notice if there was one or not.
Re: For Cheri, Deb, Winston, Johnny, Martha and Kathy
2/4/2006 8:14:51 AM
I guess there are a few leaving but I am staying around even though I didn't upgrade. I guess I don't use adland the way others are and mostly like coming to learn new things. If I can only have 1 forum then so be it. As long as I can post to forums and have some friends I will be happy. Martha
Flag of Winston Scoville

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Re: For Cheri, Deb, Winston, Johnny, Martha and Kathy
2/4/2006 9:20:40 AM
A simple answer to the problem of the forums (for those who think they need many) could be to just create separate Threads in the one forum they have. I rather like the idea of limiting Forums to one for non-paying memebers. It will help eliminate the huge number of emails I used to get with invites to forums I have no interest in and subsequent updates to them. I've not made more extensive use of Adland because I don't think that most potential customers I'm looking for would be found here. It is a great place to share ideas and see what others are up to though. Even still, after about two years I only participate in a couple of forums and that's it. Talking about participating in forums, I hope that Linda is feeling better. She's sure missed around here.
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Re: For Cheri, Deb, Winston, Johnny, Martha and Kathy
2/4/2006 11:00:23 AM
Hi, guys That's exactly what I told Johnny, and suggested in my own forum. I think people don't fully understand the tools here...for sure I don't. But Clay Page's system to set up your forums, though it will require upgrade now, taught me a lot about how and why to use this one. I'm not sure my potential customers are here, either, but it's a start. I'm hoping people here will be subscribers to my newsletter after my website launches. I'm off to my hometown for the weekend, for a funeral on Monday, so I wrote Linda that I wouldn't be around and some details about my site. She replied last night that she is feeling better but doesn't have much stamina. She's prioritizing, and hopes to have our new assignment for the project out by the beginning of next week. See you guys Tuesday. Cheri
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Re: For Cheri, Deb, Winston, Johnny, Martha and Kathy
2/6/2006 11:53:27 PM
Cheri, Hope you have a safe trip. Going home is always nice but I guess there are execptions to the rule.

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