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Re: Everything Is Big In Texas
1/19/2006 9:56:40 AM
Hi Linda, At first, when I read the notification of invitation in my Inbox with the above title, I knew it must be a posting in your Forum; but, was apprehensive it could be a risque and another shot at my gender, similar to "Men are like........". Lol!!! In fact, after reading that earlier posting, I created a short one on "men are like......and women are like......" to post in that Forum to conteract. However, on second though, I could start a battle of the sexes which I don't want to be responsible in, I passed....unless, perchance, everyone is gamed. Gamed ladies??? Lol!!! Very good one Linda, keep it up!!! Yours truly, JOHNE LYE.
Deborah Skovron

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Re: Everything Is Big In Texas
1/19/2006 10:39:25 AM
Hi Linda, That was funny, Thank you for the day brightner. Your Friend Deborah
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Re: Everything Is Big In Texas
1/19/2006 11:05:13 AM
How Funny!!!! A giggle is the best way to start the day. My husband is a Texan. I must make sure he sees this one.
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Sheryl Loch

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Re: Everything Is Big In Texas
1/19/2006 11:06:29 AM
HA, HA, Ha!!! Thanks for the funny! Doc, is Indiana big enough for your ego? This is a joke! I don't need everyone from In. sending me hate mail! My Ex-husband lives there and I get enough already! Ya'all have a great day! Even you Doc! Sheryl
Gene Tinney

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Re: Everything Is Big In Texas
1/19/2006 11:12:50 AM
ggod one Craftie.I've been through texas and it is very (BIG) YOUR FRIEND GENE

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