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Elaine Groff Wolff

314 Posts
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RE: Honoring Branka
10/6/2013 10:21:34 PM

Here is a forum on Obituaries from Branka's Forums.

I am writing a little here because I considered her a special lady who was always promoting others.

Branka had offered to create a place in her Artists Colony to honor me. Now I have just looked at another one she already created and I feel in no wise equal to what others have done. I consider myself a budding artist with a lot of growing and learning to do. Branka still wanted to honor me and now I wish to honor her on her forum. Thank you Branka and may God hold you in his loving arms.


P.S. Here is what I posted in my Elaine's Art forum:

I decided that I need to post my angel watercolor. This was done quite a while ago. I am not sure if I have posted it here already but even so. I want to post this in honor of Branka.

I hope you enjoy this. It makes me feel good every time I see it. This is a rendition of a painting that I think was by Michael Angelo.

Angel on high

Elaine Groff Wolff